Your comment reveals that you think the pope is free to make doctrine according to his will. With that said, we should all consider what Jesus taught in Matthew chapter 7. Some of the Calvary Chapel pastors have gone back to school.. So you are saying that in your opinion, a person at age 18 could confess his sins and accept Jesus as his Savior, and you would say he is saved. And your response to my last post gives me the feeling that you dont see any of the Calvary Chapels as actual members of the church body? The latest is Jack Hibbs, the controversial pastor of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, California. We were created to serve our Creator now and throughout eternity. How sad that your experience has been such; my own experience with CC is that we read the Bible a few verses or chapters at a time and I dont ever recall any funny jokes. CC members that I have known have more of a grasp on the Bible than any other group of Christians I have ever encountered. Through him, I learned of AW Tozer, Spurgeon, Ravenhill. THIS is the moment a Televangelist broke down crying when he discovered that Joe Biden had won the 2020 presidential election. Are all CC alike. Let's use the tools our great God generously provides; He faithfully multiplies our gifts. But I would challenge one of your assumptions, Randy. Having also attended a CC in WA state there is a lot of control mechanisms in place. Pastor Jack Hibbs says mother tried to abort him but God had another plan for his life. Every argument against Calvary that you have stated, I find completely contradicting to what is actually taught. 19:7, Gal. I realized at that moment that we were focusing on the men. Sign up for Jacks weekly devotional thoughts. I have had many frank conversations with other pastors and leaders that give me hope of a broad upwelling of a new school of Calvary pastors that embrace the clear teachings of the NT on church govt, sanctification by grace, and a preference for scriptural revelation over the Col 3:15 bosom-burning. Yes, there was corruption in practice. He was basically allowed to fly when he had just barely been hatched from the egg, he hit the ground and has never fully recovered. By the way, if one is so inclined to really get back to the Apostolic Faith, go pass the Reformation, wave to the Roman Catholics and say hello to Eastern Orthdox. The pastor was not the nicest guy. Dear readers, please pray for these pastors that they would be freed from this prison of isolation and that they would find more fulfillment in teaching people the transforming grace of God than in conforming people to their own image! I thank God for opening my eyes to the truth. In any case, my days in CC are numbered. I asked the pastor of that cc if I could envite a friend who is now big in the christian world on how to biblically use the law in evangelism ( His initals ar RC) you can probably figure it out. Pastor Jacks straightforward, truthful, and insightful teaching style will help you come into a greater understanding of Gods Word. I really dont care what a particular church doesall I care about is what does it believe and teach about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Bible, Salvation, Sin, Repentance this is very important and the measure of truth and authority I trust is the Word of God alone. I value the time that I went there. It was the first time the bible became real to me and for the way that church brought Gods word to life for me I will always love them. I didnt say dogma, mind you. Just a thought. The result is people are sad. Where is the humble, loving, faithful Gaiuses today? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Neil Nisperos has been a reporter covering everything from business to education, courts, politics, city government, features, arts and entertainment since 1999. Calvary Chapel Chino Hills began as a Monday night home fellowship from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa where Pastor Jack was ordained into the ministry. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Anyway, I have been going to Calvary for almost a year now and have found God. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Jack Hibbs, the sad TV preacher, is seen kneeling on a stage and heard saying: 'Please God. HOST: Jack Hibbs. It is true that Catholicism has provided greater revelation to the truths of ancient Church , before there was any schism, but the basic beliefs are the same. The Pastor said this What I say goes here, because I am the one in charge. Works based faith is taught along with justification by faith. It was very prominent and given great importance with every single CC pastor I heard personally, that is not a blanket statement. He was actually caught by one of our staff members with cash in hand, Hibbs said. Show Notes. I encourage everyone to watch his Regeneration vs The Idolatry of Decisionalism video or his The Shocking Youth Message video all available on this website: Some believe you do not need to go through a priest but in scripture, Paul taught us that we need to be accountable to each other. And acquiring understanding requires making time to ponder the people coming and going under your roof. What did Eph 2:8 have to do with your comment? Another issue was the constant focus on the rapture. They have been standing on the shoulders of giants since the reformation and have 500 years of experience and mistakes to draw from. My family is still in attendance there after the Lord blessed my family with salvation through hearing the word of God. but please expand so i may have an opportunity to understand your side. It is obvious you dont agree with the entire Bible because that is what is taught. I did establish the local bookstore and managed it for about 4 years. He is famously known for his bible teachings and is a frequent conference speaker. Again, this is not readily taught at Calvary Chapel. I attended a Calvary Chapel in Calgary AB for approximately five years. 8. And the verse those that went out from us, were not of us.. Additionally the Puritans held firmly that a Christian must rely upon the power of the Holy Ghost to live a Godly life. The first man was actually rather arrogant, relishing the supposed power that is mistakenly associated with being a pastor. In the book Calvary Chapel Distinctives Chuck Smith states, You know the beautiful thing about being called Calvary Chapel? You dont have the right to impose your will to stop others from exercising their right. "Lord, one man is for Israel, one is not. (Pg. Topical teaching will only train you up as the pastor sees fit. I attended mostly socal cc churches: downey, Chino hills, la mirada, Costa mesa, Murrieta, up until I briefly attended a seminar-like school (@low-cost). I believe you must not put your faith in you own decision or in your own sincerity and declare yourself to be saved based on that decision you took or that prayer you made (because efficient prayer is conditional but that would take me another entire post to explain it biblically). Wake Up! Cant wait to learn more. There are also reasonable arguments that the influence of the Byzantine Emperor was pressuring the eastern bishops to have authority to alter doctrine and practices that were not consistent with Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. I listen to a variety of preaching and read numerous books by James MacDonald, RC Sproul, Ravenhill, Wilkerson, John MacArthur, etc. The final issue is that the CC lifestyle promoted a loose living style of Christianity. Email us now: CLICK HERE. And , today the issue of the fililoque is virtually a non issue as dialogue between the Catholic and Orthodox churches have concluded. Jon- your misunderstanding of the doctrines of grace lead you to believe they are in opposition to free-will. I did not see that taught or practiced at Calvary Chapel. Most of what I remember included nepotism, unaccountable leadership, and arrogant hypocrisy. We were strongly encouraged to quit taking prescribed medications and our faith was called into question if we disagreed. The concept of having begun in the spirit and now being perfected in the flesh is reference to salvation by works. and well be all one beside the others it is the climax, the completeness of the Bride of Christ. May God bless ya. Cant wait to go back be taught by a guy that was indoctrinated by his people b/c he happens to read the bible more than they do. My CC friends kept bragging on this CC pastor or that one, you know, all the ones you would hear on KWVE. Some truths we outgrow and leave behind, for they are but rudiments and lessons for beginners, but we cannot thus deal with Divine truth, for though it is sweet food for babes, it is in the highest sense strong meat for men. Jack Hibbs, the pastor of Calvary Church in Chino Hills, California, is endorsing a candidate for the House of Representatives.Calvary Church does not pay taxes. They will continue to reinterpret scripture to stay in their comfort zone. I think if we just take our eyes off man (the church) and keep focus on the Lord that is what is important. If that is true, I would recommend all CCers to find another church that teaches the Word of God in all its power, glory and truthfulness. Jack's voice challenges today's generation to both understand and practice an authentic Christian worldview. In one sense you admit its ok, the bible does it. In another you claim it is slander. Oh, okay. Even after a young woman in our congregation attempted suicide twice and was nearly successful, the pastor still would not reconsider his anti-medication stance. Your email address will not be published. Too many churches are aiming at doctrinal ambiguity and hoping to attract people by their atmosphere, cool worship, funny pastor, amneties, young crowd, etc. I have attended a variety of believing bodies of Christ and a few better know cults. We will let you know if and when we return to these channels. Plain and simple. 2014 - 2023 Marathi.TV - All Rights Reserved. I am my family have suffered the same sort of bad behavior as have others from other believers. If you could give me a few verses that the Calvary Chapel, in your opinion, distorts we could move forward with some productive discussion. Anyway, I thought this was a very poor and vague attempt to slander another part of the body of Christ. Jack hosts a worldwide radio broadcast encouraging listeners to develop a Biblical worldview that is practical both in and out of the home. All one has to do is read the Church Fathers to realize this. You sir need to be more specific than the vast generalities that do anything but create the Christian unity that you so aptly quote as Pauls key concern. Doesnt mean hed recant if we showed it to him, however, for whatever thats worth. All Calvary Chapel embrace the same presuppositions and are all bad. Jack began Calvary Chapel as a home fellowship church plant from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and today, with God's blessing, the church ministers to thousands each week through live studies and world-wide radio and internet broadcasts. The church does not operate on one-person rule, or at least it should not. And he said it was because he has that moment of repentance and accepted Jesus as his Savior. (health, healing, finances etc.). Your emphasis has no scriptural basis, its a cop out for having an unscriptural theology and would be no different than me saying something like, I love your passion for raising children. No narrow circle can contain our gracious sympathies, wide as the election of grace must be our communion of heart. Even in non-human species. listen Christians i spoke of love earlier this is a doctrine we hold dear at least at my calvary chapel i dont like to see Christians argue over differances in our understanding of what someone else believes about God and how they chose to worship. This is what you get when you make electricians and plumbers pastors. This is a common occurrence in the CC I attended in WA state. It is written : to him that WORKETH NOT, BUT BELIEVETH on him that justifies the ungodly, HIS FAITH is counted for righteousness. There were also questionable financial practices, enough so, that many of the established leadership quietly departed because the pastor refused to be held accountable. I have been a student of the bible for many years, listened to many teachers, and like the Bereans noted in Acts 17:11 They examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. To make it simple, although they supposedly use expository method of teaching, they continually run off to the end times, connections with Israel past and present, and periodically give instruction counsel not grounded in The Whole counsel of God. And one man is. I have not only seen it from the pulpit, but from Calvary Chapels Bible College. I dont know. Jack Hibbs is the senior and founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, based in Southern California, the Founder & President of Real Life ministry, and a nationally syndicated TV & Radio host. It was done plenty of times in scripture themselves. About a year ago I left Unity Church and started attending Calvary Chapel (Phoenix). Feb. 27, 2023. I lefy a calvary, after 12 years, and the reason I left was because of the liberal attitudes of the leaders and the head pastor. It says in the epistle of Peter, that those who teach the word of God will have a stricter judgment when there time comes. I can look at my own church and find faults, just as Im sure that you can look at your own church and find faults. Several weeks ago, I provided to my pastor and the board- John Pillivant at CC-Bartlett, TN with documentation about CC-Bartletts support for unscriptural divorce in the and respecter of persons bias. As of 2023, he is around 32 years old. However, I am not in agreement with Calvinists on some issues and I think their TULIP does not portray God in all His attributes, in all His glory. It is a matter of historic Christianity vs. Chuck Smith. He was born in Chino Hills, California, in the United States of America. Choose Your Device Stay biblically informed with all that's going on in the world. Based in Chino, California, Hibbs is the Founder and Pastor of the Calvary Chapel Chino Hills church. One more point about the claim that the Catholicism has made additions to Faith. You havent backed up any of your statements. Were John and Charles Wesley heretics? Most times, there is something In It these Impositus places we call Church for the Worshiping of God, we cant or wont let go of or sacrifice ie, The Laodicean Church. but one thing that really bothered me was the lack of respect for women. This may come as a surprise to many of you, but there is a lot of porn on the internet. I mean, one could point out that hes trying to use elk mating as evidence to back up a pretty bold claim and that the fact that he doesnt even know that female elks are called cows hurts his credibility on this subject. We in this room, we're still pro-life here.". People dont know where you really stand And the whole field is ours When youre marketing something, you want the largest market appeal possible. Calvary Chapel is cultish, if you leave one you will be cut off from former brothers and sisters in the Lord who claimed to have loved you so long ,so muchso much so that you never hear from them again. Jack Hibbs is a famed American Pastor and a staunch believer in proclaiming biblical truths. On stage the worship leader would complain about his wife and you could tell it hurt her but the pastor would just laugh. Despite teaching through the Bible three times we were still being spoon fed, surely a pastor is to lead sheep to pasture, so they can feed themselves not to be fed grass blade by blade for fifteen years? I had a girlfriend very dear to me who is still currently attending Calvary Chapel in Chino, California. Here is paragraph (3) of subsection (c) of the Section 501 of Title 26 of the U.S. Code on tax-exempt organizations: (3) Corporations, and any community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious . It is always difficult to receive criticism, especially concerning ourselves or something/someone held dear to us. Welcome toBiographyvilla;it is a great place to learn every detail about your favorite celebrities. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Everybody who is disagreeing is not paying attention to what he said. We do believe in the doctrines of salvation, imputation, and the trinity. its their walk, the Lord did not send me to correct them or fix them that is His job and He has to remind me ALWAYS! The Roman branch with its pope became the Roman Catholic Church with all its additions and changes. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty ;and the base things of the world, and the things which are despised God has chosen and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are,that NO FLESH SHOULD GLORY IN HIS PRESENCE. You say that Calvary Chapel distorts the gospel and They do not teach the bible, they read it and then talk about unrelated stories and ideas under a pretense of teaching the bible, yet you have failed to provide proof or exact times when you witnessed this. Not a single word from any of the elders/members -who were told not to respond to me, two years on lots of simple Bible reading but no exergisis/exposition, not at all, Biblical deepness is completely off bounds to CC for fear God might require it to do something that goes against CC tradition. Before reading this Blog about exposing Jack Hibbs please take a few moments to read the background on Trump and the Evangelical MAGA Jesuit Zionist Coalition. Of course. There I came to know the doctrine of grace, the letter to the Romans. And you shouldnt be hatin on other churches either. Its not the gospel and its not Christianity. . Yet we were always told that Calvary taught verse-by-verse and I remember feeling like there was no other sound church in the world except for Calvary. from the devil), so I do not take someones formal bible studies as proof that they understand the word of God or are walking with the Holy Spirit. I also bought into the vast books available from pastors. The pastor started flexing his power. This was not a local Calvary Chapel, it is Smith himself. Whether it be Calvary Chapel, AG, COG, or any denomination if you look at man you will be dissapointed. It reached a point where my wife and I could no longer envision a future of service within the Calvary movement so we prayerfully decided to leave.quietly. What does Jesus warn of in Matthew 7:15? I do have to mention also that Jesus Christ is not glorified if even mentioned in any of the comments which leads me to ask whether or not we are talking of the teachings of Jesus Christ or the Teachings of the Men of the church. Although he is a man of millions, he prefers to lead a modest lifestyle. Saying all that to say this, I was in it from the ground up. Details [] The fact is there is no definitive teaching by Orthodoxy on the topic. Calvary Chapel claims to be a movement of the Holy Spirit, but you need to ask yourself if it is really of the Spirit that they (Chuck Smith, really) add to the book of Revelation. One such person is Jack Hibbs, pastor of Calvary Chapel church in California. 13:3,5. preaching by itself is never meant to be merely educational, it is meant to illuminate doctrine and bring the hearer to a decision point to follow right doctrine. The duo has also written the book titled Turn Around At Home Giving A Stronger Spiritual Legacy Than You Received. Jack and his wife, Lisa, began a home fellowship over thirty years ago with just six faithful souls. I love that you have a passion for the Lord just seems like you could be using your passions to pull people from the clutches of hell, rather than debate with people who are walking beside you on the road to heaven. Guest: Jack Hibbs. But thats a bigger fish to fry. There is a tremendouse variance between one to another. Is falling into the wrong doctrine that dangerous? At one time I did kind of believe Calvary CHapel is the way, thruth, and life. I have always heard the Gospel taught accurately and on the premise of the grace of God and not the works of man. Slider in Lightbox. Back to my point, I knew one young man who was being trained to be a pastor and I have a good friend who went to start a church as a pastor. No. Salvation is not merely a post-mortem fire insurance. That is my unforniate experience with CCs. No! Amen? They revolted. What initially attracted me to Calvary Chapel was the non-denominational label and the teaching through the Bible verse by verse, however I very quickly saw that it was a denomination, they just didnt admit it. . To those that have left a particular CC for things that are contrary to the Word of God then Amen. Im sorry if it doesnt flow or make much sense. the church is so divided we cant even fellowship without cutting eachother down, how about we try to unify, you want to get through to the evangelical right (a referance to the stance not a claim we are correct) then approch with love and seek fellowship stop trying to out wit and dismantle arguments with uncaring and harsh words there are many who have probably left this discussion with a bad and wrong impression of you, if you truly have a burden then it must sadden you that your attitude has hindered your ability to reach anyone who holds a differant point of view. I attended Calvary Chapel(s) because I attended several over a span of two decades and finally left because of all the reasons listed here.