To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful' [Quran 39:53]. He repeats it twice. Everyone was going through something. We can only connect with Allah from ourselves, and finding this strength requires our commitment, responsibility, and faith in Allahs power and mercy. Amaliah is an independent media company that centers the voices and experiences of Muslim women. This is transactional religion. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use |Store Terms | Copyright The Muslim Vibe 2021. And I ask Allah, that He does make it easy for us and gives us the strength to tackle these challenges. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. What has He done? Rather, you are focused and you know how to respond and it prepares you for that test. You may Hate a thing that is Good for youI was convinced by the ayah that says: You may dislike something although it is good for you, or like something, although it is bad for you Quran (2:216). Note: Females shouldnt recite these Quranic Verses during their menses/periods. Sleeping late night, soaking the pillow with tears was not lightening the burden I was carrying within my little heart. Having that void in your heart can be painful. Founder of an NGO, which helps the poor to live life healthier and happier. Required fields are marked *. If you continue to use this site, you agree with it. Image rights belong to the respective owners. That in her hardship, there was ease. 7) So verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Of course we believe that its important to take the cure. O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous . I started dining out at my favourite places with my cousins. Its more important to praise those actions. Depression? Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (i.e. So how that story went and however sympathetic those challenges that Yusuf (as) went through, they lead somewhere. And so that sister, when she read this verse over and over, she realized something. Thirsty and freezing. Unfortunately, as Muslims we embody this kind of folk religion, this transactional religion, that I pray to Allah, in exchange for services that Allah provides me. Allah, with his attribute "The . For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. I forced myself to get out of the house and walk down to the mosque. Your email address will not be published. Everyone was going through something. An important example is a teacher. You are permitted to perform this wazifa. Image rights belong to the respective owners. Aside from tests and school, how does the Quran tackle challenges that we generally have in life? Hazrat Abu Hurairah RadiALLAHU Anhu se marawwai hai ke Rasool ALLAH ne farmaya, Jo shakhs Ayatul Kursi, Surah Fatiha aur Surah Ghaafir ki pahli teen (3) ayaat subah ke waqt parhle. In this city of Makkah the condition of Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) is a witness that he is enduring every kind of hardship for the sake of a mission; so much so that there is full peace here for the wild animals but no peace for him. [Fasting for] a limited number of days. Listen to the story of how it all started. And those of us that havent made it up there is because our belief is not strong enough. 4. Required fields are marked *. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs). That when that challenge comes about, your mind is not wandering, Where is Allah? They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Another young student talked about getting into a freak accident where he was in a coma for two weeks when he was just a teenager. And seek forgiveness from Him He will forgive you. Being around family members, going out with friends for a cup of coffee, chilling with cousins would make me feel lighter and better- but I chose not to. We firmly believe that the goods and evil are from Allah Almighty. This is not true. I hope ab reply mil chuka hoga aapko sis. I met a beautiful sister who was a revert, who had to come to Islam after many difficulties- her family was deeply opposed to the changes she had undergone, they did not accept her religion, she didnt have any support from her close ones, she was ridiculed and jeered at while she walked in her neighborhood when she chose to cover herself. The one that doesnt quite feel right-like something is missing, but you just cant seem to put your finger on what, it is borderline painful. Being alone has its perk, it allows you to reflect on what has happened in your life, and how you can preclude from similar situations in the future. . Use the hand sanitizer. What are the challenges that were facing? Asiya (as), the wife of Pharaoh, lived in a palace. And my intelligence, I dont have any control over it. So when you have finished [your duties], then stand up [for worship]. by Quranic | Feb 11, 2022 | Khutbah | 0 comments. Yet to her that was not success. 3. One sister had a beautiful baby boy and a few years after they had the child, they realized that this child had autism. He gives everyone and also takes something from all. Days pass by, you dont like to see or be around family or friends, you cant focus at work, you dont quite feel like eating anything. It should be borne in mind that the Qur'anic directive was given in 2A.H./624 C.E. In this verse, Allah reminds us of the power of his mercy and the importance of asking for forgiveness. Insha ALLAH, koi museebat aur ranj-o-gham aapke pas na bhatak payega, aameen.Sone Se Pahle ki Dua | Achi Neend Ke Liye Amalif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'yaallah_in-box-4','ezslot_2',617,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yaallah_in-box-4-0'); Mushkilaat aur masaib se fauri chhutkaara pane ke liye bahut aasan aur mujarrab Qurani wazifa hai. Our Lord, do not take us to task if we have forgotten or erred. They grew in their imaan. These are all tests from Allah. " Surah Tawbah Ayat 116 "Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. This is something different. Professionals who are well-equipped in understanding spirituality are exactly the same as a physician or doctor: they are there to help and remedy the sickness. I didnt let that go because deep down I knew the tough days would pass with the help of Allah (SWT). My heart was opening up, and it was beautiful to see my closed ones who surrounded me during that time. We must ponder over Allahs (SWT) wisdom in which He tests His chosen slaves, He guides and directs us to achieve goals to reach a high rank in His eyes, which would not be possible or achieved without a lifetime of tests, trials, and tribulations. Abdel Haleem truly where there is hardship there is also ease. If you Believe, you will be TestedI kept reminding myself about the ayah: Do people think they will be left alone after saying We believe without being put to the test? Quran (29:2). As Muslims, therefore, we must constantly take faith in God the only one source of stability and strength that we can take comfort in. I chose not to share how I was feeling with anyone else. , Allah does not burden any soul except [with that within] its capacity. Your strength will come from being able and willing to fight the different hardships we face. If his religious commitment is strong, he will be tested more severely, and if his religious commitment is weak, he will be tested in accordance with his religious commitment. They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them. And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, , Who, when disaster strikes them, say, Indeed we belong to Allh, and indeed to Him we will return.. More importantly, the teacher knows what you can handle and what you cant handle. Because Allah decided our souls were built to carry our own burdens. That was the peak. It gives you time with your Creator, Al Khaliq. Another beautiful reminder to stay strong in the face of adversary, this verse explains that no matter what, we will all be tested in this world by Allah. Imagine you know the teacher who was preparing your test, and the teacher knows you. Shes killed because of that. He goes through all of these tests and trials and challenges and difficulties. Alhamdulillah, for tests and tribulations. Surely with (that) hardship comes (more) ease. And be conscious of Him He will provide you a way out of difficult matters. Just like you look both ways before you cross the street. Sone Se Pahle ki Dua | Achi Neend Ke Liye Amal, Pasand Ki Shadi Ka Wazifa ya ALLAH Testimonial, Dua To Get Married To The Person You Want, How to Pass Exams Without Studying? And we ask Allah to accept our deeds and to forgive our mistakes and shortcomings. What is the best English Quran translation? Our Lord, give us good in this World and in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire Quran (2:201) We must ponder over Allahs Wisdom in which He tests His chosen slaves; He guides and directs us to achieve goals to reach a high rank in His eyes, which would not be achievable without a lifetime of tests, trials, and tribulations. If you continue to use this site, you agree with it. 5. I spent time with beautiful sisters, whom I never met but connected instantly. Here are some Quranic verses about patience: 1) Allah s.w.t. Allah loves those who do what is beautiful [Quran 2:195]. I knew this ayah for a while, but it made sense to me later when I realised what I was doing was not nourishing me. Going back to the story of Yusuf (as). Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. I was assured, I could bear the pain I was feeling because He told me, I could. May Allah give their families patience. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise." He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." To her, success was the pleasure of Allah. Because you are not praying enough. Our Lord, give us good in this World and in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire Quran (2:201). Tests and tribulations are in fact, all mercies and blessings from Allah (SWT). I chose not to share how I was feeling with anyone. It is only upon on individual to decide what they want. The thing I hated, that pain, that sorrow and darkness, actually lead me to be closer to him. Being in a dark situation is painful. And this is wrong. O Allah! Mercy and compassion are some of the most awe-inspiring acts of Allah, and as Muslims, we should take hope in the fact that with constant and sincere prayers for forgiveness, we can all be forgiven inshallah. . It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. [Such believers are] the repentant, the worshippers, the praisers [of Allah], the travelers [for His cause], those who bow and prostrate [in prayer], those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and those who observe the limits [set by] Allah. Every soul had a story to share. When facing difficulties and going through tough times in life, it is vital that we believe Allah s.w.t is always ready to help us. 3. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. I did not ask her what she was going through, but I knew she was in the right place to ask for help. Having a content life is what every individual desires, and that requires a lot of work, work that has to be consistent. The Holy Quran is the book of divine wisdom. If anyone has passed away, may Allah have mercy on them. Being in a dark situation is painful. Surat Al-Baqarah (The Cow) - . (Quran 65:2-3) In times of hardship the door of taqwa- God-consciousness, love of God, fear of God, obeying His commands,.