Stefan seems very comforted and relieved to be with Elena in that moment. She asks if Stefan has slept with her too, but he says no and adds that he was just a better person when he was with Lexi. Stefan tells her that Tom is a good person and that she don't do it. After Elena asks why he sent Damon to look for her, Stefan admits that Damon seems to have Elena's trust in ways that he doesn't anymore. Rebekah then moves onto finding out about the cure, and Stefan tells her where they can find Professor Shane. 2: Damon still hates Stefan, but not because he forced him to turn into a vampire. In Home, Stefan watches as Damon, Elena, and Caroline mourn his death until he is nearly sucked up on the Other Side and saved by Lexi. All of a sudden Stefan takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. Hair color But she is not alone, Enzo and Caroline arrive right behind her. She turns around, adjusts her shirt to show more cleavage, flips her hair, before she turns back around, throwing her jacket over her shoulder They she sticks her thumb up. He wants to celebrate her first feed, but Elena is less enthusiastic, reminding him that it kind of made her sick. Lily tells him that Julian is nothing like Stefan's father. During the sacrifice he tries to exchange himself for Elena's aunt Jenna Sommers as the vampire but Klaus refuses saying he has plans for him. When Stefan had first met Katherine, when she and Emily had come to stay at the Salvatore Estate, he had become strongly attracted to her and eventually had fallen in love with her, as did his brother Damon. In Hell Is Other People, Stefan is seen in many of Damon's hallucinations. Stefan realizes that this was Elena's plan from the beginning-to bring too many people to the house as a distraction so that she could be free and do whatever she wants. I Was Feeling Epic (TVD)A Streetcar Named Desire (TO). He was about to be taken by a deputy, but Alaric and Elena came when Stefan was spotted, Alaric sent the deputy to towards another vampire instead of Stefan, saving his life. Then Rebekah and Damon start looking for the cure themselves as Katherine doesn't say where it is. Klaus, however, questions that and adds that Stefan mustn't underestimate the allure of darkness because even the purest hearts are drown to it. He says to Elena, "I love you, I will always love you." Stefan plans to make Caroline's life fall apart when her emotions returns because she's an embarrassment to humanity-free vampires everywhere. While searching for Luke, Damon asks Stefan what he thought he'd do when he found out Enzo was dead. Stefan tells Damon that she is the best thing that has ever happened to him and Damon doesn't deny it and confesses that he can't live without her but he doesn't think he's any better than Katherine and Elena will be better off without him. Stefan owns his own iMac desktop computer. Stefan agrees and goes to Rebekah who is preparing for the 80s decade dance. He touches his abdomen and his hands become covered in his own blood. Standing on the porch, they share a kiss. He looks at her longingly and says, "That's just in case there is no later," and then finally leaves. Stefan's scar had reopened that morning. He ask to Stefan about her but Stefan looks down at his feet. He gives her a koala corsage and then they dance. Stefan was also close with his mother, before she had died when he was 10 years old. Valerie spits on him and tries to light it on fire, but it doesn't work. He told Damon about how amazing it felt to be a vampire, that it was a gift; how he could willingly turn off his emotions, the pain and the guilt. She tells him about Nadia's been compelling Matt to forget things, and Caroline shows Stefan Matt's text message, calling for help with a K, she takes the phone back and they start talking about the strange behavior of Elena, Stefan tells her that Elena kissed him, they begin to realize all actions that Elena has been doing lately and then between the two realize that Katherine has actually possessed the body of Elena. In Pilot, Stefan and Damon engaged in a spar upon Damon's return to Mystic Falls. Stefan swoops in and wins the tie-breaker, so Caroline flips a coin to decide who lives. They look at the professor's stuff and Stefan is amused by Rebekah's cultural knowledge. He then chants a spell making himself disappear. At the boarder, Stefan puts barriers across the road, stopping people from getting in. In the present, Stefan apologizes again, saying he 'shouldn't blame him for the sire bond' and asks if Charlotte may still be in New Orleans, then leaves to see 'how literal the sire bond is', after Damon reveals he told her to count all the bricks. The bar people claps for the "happy couple". Damon takes the victim from Stefan before Lexi drags him from the bar. In I Carry Your Heart With Me, Damon brings Oscar's desiccated body to Stefan to try to come up with a plan to deal with it, but Stefan tells Damon that he wants no part in it and that it's Damon's problem, not his. She made a list of everything she's done since she fell for him last summer and just wishes he felt something as well. Stefan helped both Damon and Elena's transition into vampires. He gets angry at Damon saying, "What did you do to me?" Stefan walks in and ends the feud momentarily, however, Sarah bombards him with the fact that she is related to him. Then Damon and Jeremy arrives, Stefan tells Jeremy, head back with Matt, that they need eyes and ears in Mystic Falls, and then says to Damon and Elena to take Jeremy's car and that he will going to wait there for Caroline and Bonnie. Although Stefan became increasingly darker by nature due to his vampire nature, he still retained the same basic personality traits that he had as a human. As they return to Elena's home Stefan realizes that someone is bleeding upstairs. Then he shows up on Caroline's dorm doorstep with Ivy in a trunk. Stefan was always willing to lend a helping hand when it is needed most and he will put the needs of others before his own. Later, Elena asks him what made him come back to Mystic Falls after 15 years and he tells her it was her. Anywhere," that he's to slit her carotid artery. That's probably why she stole the cure-she wants to bargain it for her freedom. He tells her that she will, and they go into her memory/dream thing of coming home and finding her family dead. He asks her out about the man that was looking for them, but she give him a straight answer. By Caroline, Stefan also learned that Elena had had sex with Damon. Klaus calls him and soon appears at the Gilbert house. Stefan quickly realizes who it is and immediately throws her over the couch. Klaus lightly admonishes Stefan for his nosiness, but admits that he might be useful in persuading Rebekah to cooperate with Klaus. He also shares the new information about Shane's involvement with Pastor Young, and supposes they might get more information out of the professor. Stefan reveals that he can't because he hates himself for what he did to her. Stefan made clear to her that it isn't true. It was there that Stefan saw Damon for the first time in almost fifty years. Whilst their relationship will continue to be tested through highs and lows, it is clear that the two share a strong brotherly bond. After leaving Enzo he calls Elena (Katherine) and tells her that he wants to talk with her and Katherine invites him on Bitter Ball, although at first he refuses then accepts her offer. In Death and the Maiden, Stefan's having a dream about how Silas stabbed him and put him in the safe. He confesses he's not doing well without Damon and can't seem to start over because he's lost. Stefan asks why Damon he freed him, but Damon brushes the question off. Katherine tells him she would help him recover to Damon, not for Damon or for herself, only for Stefan, she hugs him and then Caroline arrives and interrupt them, Stefan and Caroline stare at each other. She tries to siphon the wound but it doesn't help. He is able to learn new languages at an increased speed and adjust to the American customs rather quickly, so much so that his Italian accent becomes less strong. She finds them and finds out that Silas chose to be with Qetsiyah's hand-maiden, Amara, the original doppelgnger of Elena. He admitted that Katherine had been right and that he had to focus more on moving on from Elena than his 3 months drowning during the summer. He was determined to make him suffer as he was still mad at him for making him turn. In regards to Katherine, Stefan was much harder to get and challenging unlike Damon, who persistently chased and pursued Katherine as much as possible. Three years later Stefan is frantically trying to wake Damon up. Trapped inside the room Stefan realizes something. Damon tells him that he killed Rayna several times but she only has eight lives. Caroline and Stefan Stefan hits Tyler for hurting Caroline saying that even when he is drunk she didn't deserve this behavior. She asks for Stefan and she tells him that Tom has been gone for months. He admits he was halfway out of town. It is unknown if Katherine had compelled Stefan to forget after she had bitten him. He had reacted calmly to being told he killed his own father, and showed no reaction being informed he had murdered Honoria Fell while walking past her gravestone. Valerie whispers to Stefan "I will find my way back to you". [8] In both cases he had been in awe of being a vampire and sought to embrace it. Caroline explains that control is the only thing she has left in her life, so her feeling for him will have to wait until the mourning and self-loathing is over. Stefan had also proven many times, that values such as respect, honesty and trust are very important to him when it comes to romance, love and relationships. Many of them have blood falling from their nose, ear or mouth. He said he learned French at his mother's knee. Damon, however, understands her intentions and says that it was exactly what he used to do. They joke about the bad luck they usually have at the dances and Elena responds saying that they need to live their lives. He holds Joshua against the wall before getting struck by his magic making them fall to the floor in pain. Later Stefan leaves the bar in Tennessee. The two discussed their options, and both brothers seemingly agreed to die without transitioning, as neither one wanted to be a vampire without Katherine. The episode ended with Stefan and Caroline drinking margaritas. Later, Stefan watches as Damon and Elena begin to dance but as the waltz shifts to a sequence that switches partners, Elena runs into Stefan. Stefan says that when he parties too much he ends up killing people. Nadia arrives. He goes outside and stops her. Stefan is later seen with Caroline and he finds Bonnie injured and hurt and finds out that she linked herself to Katherine, Caroline says she'll stay with her and Bonnie unlinks Katherine, Stefan stops Elena from killing Katherine and threatens her to leave before he kills her and Elena is angry at Stefan and asks him why did he save Katherine and he said that she was linked to Katherine so if she died Bonnie would die as well, Elena doesn't believe him asks Stefan if he still has feelings for Katherine he said it wasn't about her it about Jeremy and he also explains that killing Katherine won't take the pain away its a distraction just like beating up cinder-blocks and turning off her humanity and that loss is a part of the deal of being a vampire and the he was alive for a 163 years and he lost more lovers than he can count and it keeps hurting every single time and that Elena needs to face her grieve and he says he can help her but she refuses and punches him in the face and said it was like the cinder-block nothing. Going by flashbacks, it is evident that Stefan was also Giuseppe's favorite son, and that Stefan had a rather close and good relationship with his father, the complete opposite of Damon, who appeared to have had a rather strained and tension-filled relationship with Giuseppe. Later Caroline is in the Salvatore house, Stefan arrives and sits down to talk to her telling her that he had been looking for her everywhere, Caroline tells him that he is her friend and she need to hear what he really thinks about she and Klaus, but Stefan starts joking, making smile to Caroline, he also looks at her with a tender smile. While Stefan is headed to one of the possible spots for the massacre he speaks with his brother on the phone and explains him what's going on. She wants Damon to really consider, or reconsider, his decision. How many more ways can you rip my heart out? Later Stefan finds Elena and makes her dance with him and she tells him to let go or she'll bite him Stefan reminds her that he's the one that hates to dance and Elena says that she finally sees why, Stefan then asks Elena that she's only here to help Rebekah get the cure on what happens to be the most sentimental night in high school and Elena asks him if he thinks that this is her cry for help and that she'll be happy to show him what a real cry for help sounds like, Stefan asks her does she feel anything about them she says that feels nothing Stefan says that he doesn't believe her and she says that she doesn't care, Stefan start to dance slowly with her and asks her that she doesn't remember what it used to feel like when they danced and when his hands would touch her waist as Stefan slowly puts his hands on Elena's waist, Elena says no and Stefan holds her hand asks how does she feel their fingers would touch Elena says she feels nothing and then Stefan lays her down and asks her if her heart refuses to remember, Elena asks what heart and leaves, later Stefan asks Caroline to dance with him after Elena stole her dress and asks Stefan if she can kill her, Stefan notices that she found another dress Caroline says its from Klaus and Stefan says that she has him wrapped around her finger she says that if she had Klaus wrapped around her finger then she will be with Tyler and asks him about any progress with dress thief, Stefan says its affecting him a whole lot more than its affecting her Caroline asks him what does he mean he says that every time he tells himself that he's moving on there's this part of him that just can't seem to shake her, Caroline says that normal and that they were in love and that doesn't go away because he declares that Stefan cuts Jeremy's wrist and gives his blood to the fugitive who completes his transition into a vampire. Stefan was in love with a girl named Callie Gallagher. After Damon tells Elena what Qetsiyah says, and they are about to kiss, Stefan wakes up. Stefan remembers that the hunter had werewolf venom, and Elena must have been poisoned with it. In Welcome to Paradise, Stefan pulls up to his garage to inform his boss he needs a few days off. After being released, Stefan finds Klaus at the Winter Wonderland event, when Klaus threatens to compel the truth about why he has been 'dodgy' as a distraction tool, Stefan admits that he broke into Klaus' house for the sword and that he doesn't trust him. After Tessa strips away Stefan's memories in order to take away Silas' own mental powers, his personality developed obvious changes for a brief period of time. Maria thinks that Elena y Stefan are boyfriends but both talking at the same time telling that they aren't together, she assumed that for the doppelgnger prophecy. Stefan responds that it is June 5, 1473. After they leave, the room is tense as Elena tries to approach Stefan to talk about what has happened. Klaus and Rebekah bicker until Stefan reminds him that he would rather be eating dinner with anyone else. She responded that he's her emotional trigger and he's the only one that can bring her back. At first Stefan is shocked, but relieved when Elena sends him a text saying Damon is okay. Later on, Damon reveals to Stefan that Klaus is dead and they both seem very sad. Finally, Enzo has had enough and stabs a fork on Stefan. He is interrupted by Klaus, who contacts him from Italy to tell him that Connor has escaped and stolen werewolf venom from the hybrid guarding him. She tells him he could tell her, or she could torture him for it. She also tells Stefan she kissed Liam, which he advises her not to tell Stefan as he would be heartbroken. Stefan explained to Tyler that Elena had to be sacrificed to break the curse and Tyler released him. She confesses she killed his boss, Dean, after she woke up when he was burying her in the woods. She says that he's hurt and he's acting out, that this is not his true self. They begin to talk and Stefan lies to him saying that there is family drama that he is getting away from. However, despite Damon's feelings for Katherine, it seemed to be evident that the younger Salvatore was Katherine's preference as it was Stefan that she had asked to escort her to the Founders Ball. In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You. Caroline says it was a Valerie-sized day full of surprises. They then planned a course of action to get around the guards who were on watch for the vampires, and eventually made it to the cage where Katherine was being held captive. Stefan then tells him about Elena's compulsion which shocks Damon but he still has faith that the moment they will meet, everything will be okay again. Caroline flips the tables and stabs his instead. Later, Stefan halts Elena from going after Rebekah with the white oak stake. The answer is probably not, but why not give it a go anyway and let us know how many you get right in the comments section below. He makes remarks to the paramedic and a police officer walks towards him. Damon on the other hand explains to Stefan that Bonnie was brainwashed by Shane and that they can't let her drop the veil because every supernatural being on the other side will come back to their world with vengeance. Caroline compels Jesse to go and hide. After the brothers escaped, Stefan wanted to run away with Callie who was killed by Damon, much to Stefan's horror. He reminds Alaric about compelling Elena to forget Damon. He hates him because he wanted Katherine all to himself. It turned out that Oscar had stashed Julian's body at a casket emporium. Height Rebekah, continuing to divulge information sarcastically asks Stefan why Elena would hurt him like that to which he responds 'she was sired to Damon'. The Ripper of Monterey (Formerly)Stefan Cooper (An Alternate Identity)Sleepy-head, Sweetness (Both by Lexi)Shady Stefan, Saint Stefan, Superman, Beefcake, Stefan: The Hero, Fabio, Hero Stefan, Hero Hairdo, Noble Stefan, Stef, Buzzkill Bob, Baby Bro, Brother, Lily's Little Angel, Mad Max, Baby, Ebenezer, Pal, Bunny Snacking Pacifist (All by Damon)Rippah, Old Friend, Pal (All by Klaus)Kid (by Mikael)Sleepy-head, Gorgeous, Sweet Pea (All by Qetsiyah)My Sweet, Sweet Boy (Both by Lillian)Mr. Salvatore, My Love, Handsome (All by Katherine)The Good Salvatore, Steven (Both by Kai)Love (by Valerie)My Shadow Self, Me (Both by Silas)Toddler (by Lucien Castle) Caroline wants to get into a fight with Elena but Stefan stops her but in that exact moment Elena disappeared from their sight using her vampire speed. He tells Stefan that he is no longer stone because every spell has a loophole as nature require balance and when the witch that turned him into stone died he was free he also revealed the mystery of himself by telling Stefan how he created the immortality spell and as he could not die, nature had to find balance so it created a shadow self of Silas that could and when Stefan asked of he was another one of the Tatia doppelgngers, Silas changed his face into Stefan's and revealed that Stefan it is his true face and Stefan is his doppelgnger. Bonnie apologizes for the state she's in and for avoiding everyone, and asks what he needs help with. Stefan kisses Valerie goodbye then goes to Caroline's news studio where Matt injects him in the neck with vervain. Furthermore, during his time working for Arcadius, he was temporarily granted the ability to return from death, even matters regarding a stake to the heart. Rebekah admits that Stefan is actually fun tonight and he responds that he can't listen to the 80's music without thinking of Lexi. Stefan responds that this is the second time Damon had tried to kill Jeremy so nobody's perfect, to which Elena asks him if he's trying to punish her, because she doesn't know how many times she can apologize. He'd felt it, too. Maria tries hitting the brakes, but it nothing happens. Klaus then apologizes to Rebekah, though somewhat backhandedly, and Rebekah replies that she is willing to take his apology under consideration. Stefan agrees to deal with Rebekah's body and compel Jeremy to forget the day's events, as well as keep mum about the cure, while Klaus travels to Italy to retrieve the sword. Julian ask what's the problem and Stefan tells to him that he are not going to see Maria again. Because of this, Damon has referred to Stefan as a "pack rat". Later on, Elena, Damon and Elizabeth Forbes, finds the safe in the middle of nowhere. He pulls a vampire off Damon and asks what the hell happened, looking confused when Damon tells him the vampire kissed him. Matt says he doesn't want to expose Damon and him- Stefan asks Matt if he is threatening him. Stefan, Damon, Elena and Caroline decide to hide in Caroline's father's remote cabin from the Travelers. Klaus tells him when a hunter is killed by a vampire, the consequence is that the hunter will torment his killer from beyond the grave until the vampire commits suicide. Stefan and Damon continue fighting, and when Damon is just about to drive the stake through Katherine's heart Jeremy comes and says "Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena" both Stefan and Damon stop. Stefan gives a few one-word answers and Damon calls him out on being shady again. Then the brothers are shown at the porch. The two girls get the information about Katherine and leave with his car. Caroline then gets up to say thank you to everyone that came, and then began to sing "Go In Peace". Later they go to the Mystic Falls Cemetery for the traditional Remembrance Day to honor the dead. In the episode 1912, it was revealed that this was the year that Stefan went into "ripper" mode again. After a long fight, Stefan falls rendered next to a car, Enzo continues attacking and beating him. Stefan viewed Katherine in disdain and rejected any attempt she gave for him to see her positively. It was after their wedding that Stefan sacrificed his life to save Mystic Falls from hellfire and when Caroline learned of this called Stefan leaving him a message telling him, she understood his decision and would love him forever hoping he would get her message before he died which he did.