The procedure is done by a licensed healthcare professional. No matter how he was conceived this baby wasnt a mistake not to me. I took a test when i got home from work and sure enough i was. However, I was quite blue that I was no longer pregnant and I actually experienced a bit of anger as the situation brought up unpleasant feelings from the past. I need to make my mind ??? Thank you for sharing. If you do not live with your parents, but you live with a grandparent, or an adult aunt or uncle, the adult relative you live with may be told in place of your parents. I was never able to have a child, she was my first and only chance. I just passed the due date of what would have been my baby had i decided not to terminate. Not how I thought I would live my life. Like you, i have always wanted to be a mom and it was so hard to make this decision. I do wish I wouldve had more support during this time, mainly because my husband shut down due to his circumstances, but it has gone to show me just how strong I am and how much stronger I can be. we are just buying a house and i know money isnt good right now, but i cant help but hate his kids now bc i had to give up mine. He is also younger than me and nowhere near ready for a child and even moving in with me makes him scared. I would never say that Im over it and my biggest regret is not being careful enough to avoid getting pregnant in the first place. You were there, so was my existence. When I told him I was pregnant the first thing he said is lets get a chicken sandwhich. All I could say was 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry.' As a mother, you never, ever, ever forget. Does anyone else feel similar? I was 6 weeks when I went for an ultrasound .. and all I saw was a small blob that I referred to as my nugget. He started to be excited about the idea of starting a family with me and even though we were both stressed and both cried a lot.. we finally started having discussions about moving in together, getting better jobs finding a healthcare provider and all types of different things to prepare for our baby. Im 9 weeks, and he pretends like it does not exist. I had an abortion past the point of having the pill so had to have the surgery, It was the most painful time of my life physically and emotionally and I never expected it would continue to haunt me. Im 27 years old and he is 32 years old. ??. Time went on and as I struggled with my decision he eventually came around. I had an abortion back in 1999. I had an abortion at 5 weeks 6 days, pill as well. Maybe you can relate with "Jess," a young woman who posted her abortion story in 2019 on the Shout Your Abortion website. She is 23, theyve been together 6 months and shes not ready for such a huge commitment. Your words help. Now it is 3 months later and I always find myself looking at bassinets and baby items. Then I went into early menopause at 34 and never had kids. Know the Issues. Our relationship has been a roller coaster from start to now. The copyright of all poems on this website belong to the individual authors. I couldnt face a potential miscarriage, still birth or birth defects and my doctors had no guidance for me and what I was dealing with regarding my health. She is a lover of writing, hiking, spending as much time outside as possible, and going to concerts. I fear that if i leave him he will tell my friends and family. My advice to you would be do it if YOU want to, dont let nobody not your parents or partner tell you what to do, take some time and think about it because it is a situation that stays with you forever. I dont want to live in regret of having an abortion. I promise that the next time I see that little blue plus, the next time you are in the same reality as me, I will be ready for you. I know what I will do and why I feel it is the best choice I can make, but I will never forget this little tiny creature that has visited me and wanted so much to be my family, as I so wanted to be hers/his. Dont panic, I thought. Hes basically ignoring me emotionally but talking to me civil. Hi guys im 24 yrs old. I went through every logistic financial, physical, mental to see if I could go through with it. Its been 44 years since my abortion and I think of her every day. I am totally against abortion. We agonized over what to do and spent a week making our decision which whilst incredibly painful was ultimately the right one for us. I dont know what to do at all. it didnt take him long to move past but its something I struggle with frequently in the form of nightmares and guilt. I cant be a single baby mama, with two baby daddies. I feel like shit because I was raised that this was wrong. I know my mum will be so happy and that breaks my heart because I have to see the joy I could have given and shared with my mum but being shared with my sister and it hurts so much. 2. We talk about how we could make it work, but it just doesnt make sense. Yet, I have an appointment with my Dr on Monday. Im absolutely terrified of both scenarios and have been crocodile tearing constantly. I regret my decision every day. Me too, yesterday I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend also doesnt want to keep it. Im 23 years old. We have only one flight of stairs, but I must have stood and then sat at least twenty times, unsure how to greet him. I was shocked. Ebony Angel B. It takes courage to share your story, especially with so much honesty. I have been sleeping with a guy unprotected for a year now last month I got pregnant and I had a miscarriage I never told him because we are not together. I know I would feel his kicks by now. I dont think Im going to miscarry the baby at all this time I stopped bleeding. Why cant we have our dreams and a baby? I was rattled with anxiety and guilt and overwhelmed. Im at a loss. Ruffalo opened up about his own mother's experience with having an abortion . I think Ill visit an abortion clinic to avail of a medical abortion service because its difficult for me to survive if I have a child. Yes, Im still pregnant. A boy or a girl? An Ohio lawmaker proposing a near-total abortion ban was given a hypothetical: A 13-year-old girl is raped and becomes pregnant as a result. Congratulations! And then I panicked. I cant share any of this with him. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, but if you are planning to abort your baby, please reconsider. The following article is one I submitted back in March 2017. Im 11 weeks pregnant and Ive been dating a man for six months, I recently found out he is married but trying to get a divorce now, and hes been sleeping with her even when he knew I was pregnant. According to a webpage shared online by Crump, she has raised over $30,000 by Friday morning and will seek abortion care in North Carolina. I've got twice the appetite and half the energy. I wish this decision wasnt so hard. You can do more than you think you can. March 8, 2014 at 4:36 pm. But its only 5 weeks so its nothing more then a pack of cells still, right? I dont blame you for choosing to terminate your pregnancy. I had severe preeclampsia and had to do c-section at week 28. I have tried to persuade her to look at forums or see a psychiatrist to help her through the guilt but she doesnt want to be associated with the stigma attached with it. Since I found out I was pregnant my life has been a living hell my husband immediately voiced we couldnt handle this right now, and though I was emotional about it at first, I knew he was right. I told my baby it may have to be just me and him. They were in no particular order: I broke up with your dad and essentially kicked him out of our apartment. I found out I was pregnant October 1st. My boyfriend is full of regret and wishes he wouldnt have said hurtful things. An Honest Letter About Abortion. I am really struggling with the choice, even though I know it made most sense. Theres no good option. I pray God gives me another chance and send him back to me one day. Ive imagined names and what he would look like. Always imagine what he or she will look like. No one understands what Im feeling, I hate myself for this. I dont know what to do. Ive always wanted to be a mom, and already, I feel like I know you and yet I cant have you.. I dont know if hes being dramatic or not but he thinks we will lose our home because we are barely making ends meet with one in daycare. What if I was never able to get back on track with school and start my career? A Hand Yet To Hold By My husband is dead set against it and Im not sure what to do. A letter from an unborn baby: fHi mom!, how are you?, I am doing just fine thanks. I really didn't want to die. Top Poems Now he blames himself and cries like me everyday. I prayed for him but I let fear control my decision. Thankyou all for sharing your stories + most of all the letter to the little light. Financially we are already tight. I got an abortion 6 days ago. We were told if we wanted children we would have to make a concerned effort. And, I dont know If I ever would have met my husband of now and not really sure of he would stick around with me having a kid from somebody else but regrets are one of the worst thing that you go though when you make a decision like this. no one is on my side. I decide abortion at week 6. Even if i dont want an abortion, i have to do it for my future and my boyfriends future. nothing was ever the same between us. June 1, 2021 2:30 PM EDT. I want two more children. []. Mamma you knew when I was placed in your womb. I had an abortion two years ago and I regret it in some ways, but in others I am massively grateful I did it. I pray one day my baby will cone back to me. He just doesnt want another child, but what about me & what I want? This is me right now,I dont know what to do its so hard. We left the hospital with him saying we can try again. I personally cant do abortion nor adoption. I want the baby, and he says not yet. Whenever you talk about her baby, use the pronouns "he" or "she.". Hi, my story is very quite similar to yours. Im broken over this. Its been really hard. I ask for the pill and she hands me it along with a cup of water. We sleep in the same room that night, and the next day he drives me to work. I was 17 yrs old when I got pregnant, At that age I was not ready, alot of expectations from my parents await me plus the fact that I got pregnant by the person I dont Ive decided to abort it by means of massage. Weve been married about 10 years and I have children from my previous marriage that she loves as well but cant help being jealous of. I just wanted to say thank-you for sharing your story. I recently experienced my first pregnancy, at 19 years of age and with four years of nursing school ahead of me. I am a teacher and take care of infants to two year olds, Im devastated because in a better situation I would have kept this child. I found out I was pregnant today and through the tears, I scheduled the appointment. Wish I had a way to contact you personally. Ive always wanted to be a mom, and already, I feel like I know you and yet I cant have you. I feel manipulated and trapped. My heart would of gotten excited despite starting all over again. I move into the mini-counseling session with your dad, and we are firm on our decision. Now I m just waiting for my appointment but I feel so shit , down and gonna cry all the time. I love this man but i dont want a baby now and i feel the worst human being in this world for thinking that way. Yes, Im still pregnant. It is a very heartbreak-ling sad feeling. It uses medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus. Truth is, I have no job, I am back in school with one child taken care of by my parents, I cannot bring another right now and of I did this new opportunity would go away. My husband was in prison, I cheated on him, got pregnant, he gave me the choice between keep my baby or our marriage. I tell you where eats 4 in a table, there is always a place for a fifth one. A mother is a protector but I couldnt, I killed my unborn. In 1971 a Catholic woman who wrote this letter had an abortion in New York. I feel guilty because I strjuglle to show real excitement when I know others want to when they find out and I feel so false trying to bounce off their energy. Now, Im regretting every single day of my life. My heart is breaking but I cant have another child on my own. Thats the last burrito hell ever order without any major care in the world. I was 5 weeks pregnant. I read this the night before my appointment for my abortion. I had not long been in a new job that I had wanted and worked hard for. I hope she can forgive me. I really commend you Shawn. I wanted to be your special child. I am actually praying that it . This is the worst pain Ive ever felt and the most heartbroken and devastated Ive ever been. I moved to another state, finished my undergrad (with a newborn) in teaching and even completed grad school also in teaching (with a toddler at the time). Im grateful I was in a position to have options and make a choice as a woman. And soon I'll get my own fingers and toes. I feel like a failure for being the one who could not be seen as a wonderful choice to raise a baby with. My first pregnancy ended the relationship because I betrayed him, although he would never step down from his responsibilities , and thats how he made me feel. Your baby will always be with you, even if your boyfriend isnt. She was worth fighting for. Your situation is mine. Please Mommy, don't let them hurt me- I feel like Im losing either way; if I get an abortion, Ill most likely regret it, and if I dont, Ill struggle as a single mother. My boyfriend told me to abort mine and I dumped him and made that decision on my own. Listen to her fears and help her conquer them one by one. I feel for you. Thank you for your sorry. All their comments are stressing me out and getting me really down. I dont know what to do, I know exactly how you feel . Im lost and have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks to test my hcg levels by that time is will be 8 weeks almost 9. A month ago i started feeling sick and tired. A postabortion woman wrote the following letter to her aborted baby, who she named Grace: "Everyone close to me was affected by that awful day - none more so than you and I though. I didn't know you, but I loved you. Im struggling with my decision and I almost wish someone could just make it for me. Maybe you feel deep regret, maybe it was a confusing time, maybe you didn't care at all. There was also this paranoia about who the dad was. Not as alone because feeling my baby every night move around gives me hope. I have an 11 month old and a 13 year old from my husbands first marriage. I was clearly going to get my period. I want my baby so much but my family are pushing for a termination as I should be having a child when the timing is right. It all means the same thing. Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the author. Because o hate that its a decision. Listen to your heart, there is no wrong choice. But why was this pregnancy right now? I hate myself already and now my boyfriend hates me too and I feel trapped. The film is based on a story called "A Letter from an Aborted Child," which had been used for nearly 10 years by Father Stephen Lesniewski to show women in a time of indecision. Abortion pills are the most common way to end a pregnancy in the United States and have become a focus for anti-abortion groups and Republican officials seeking to block access in their states. Thank you for your bravery! It's me. Marni Fults. Im maybe 3-5 weeks pregnant but already feel attached. I am nearly 25 now and had an abortion at 17. I recently just had my second abortion in 9 months . Its a hard decision, Hi there Im in the same situation, dont know what to do Im so sick ? I was so confused, so afraid and I let fear take over my life. I dont want you to go through thisit never does go away. I dont want to lose you. I work a half day, then your dad picks me up and we drive to Planned Parenthood. I know I made the right decision, but seeing him with his kids now breaks my heart bc he didnt want the one with me right now. We argued and I prayed on it. Im struggling with this decision. I want more than anything to be a mom. Like you, I could not have made a life for my baby at that time. God bless you and your family. ? Ive been employed in my feild for the past 4 years (student hires are highly sought in this feild). I feel like I dont know what to do with myself. We are both unhappy . I wish I could have kept you, but I know our lives wouldnt have been what you deserve. Labor would begin, usually within 12 hours, and the baby would be expelled. I aborted my second child at 10 weeks 16 years ago and have regretted it since. I dont know where Im going to go or how Im going to make this work but Im terrified. I dont want to go through an abortion again. We had to double down on our declaration our family was complete. There was no internet to look up information, and she didn't know about pregnancy . I just dont know what to do!!! Hi Mikal, I understand how torn you feel. We went to the clinic, me, my mom, and my boyfriend. I PRAY my baby forgives me for being weak And she comes back to me. I couldnt talk to him about keeping it because he would panic and and say it wasnt plausible anytime I showed attachment. I am sad because I already have a connection with the child in my belly and I cry everyday thinking about the fact that I wont be able to hold him or her or see their face. I would give anything to have my baby back. I love him I know I do but I also know he does not feel the same way for me. "I didn't touch you, but I felt you. Its been 7 years since my abortion, and I miss her. I too am going through my second one and I feel absolutely horrible, so I completely understand what you are feeling. In the end this is her choice and all I can do is support her to the best of my ability. I made the wrong choice. I was not ready although Im 24 years old. I know Im going to love him when he is here but in the time being I am just purely struggling. I found your post when I was idly googling if I ever was a mother too and Im sitting here and crying. I felt like death every day sometimes unable to stay out longer than 2 hours outside. Im confused and feel horribly alone. And wham, I unexpectedly end up pregnant, at 41. In pregnancy, to be "late term" means to be past 41 weeks gestation, or past a patient's due date. There are so many things I am looking forward to, and I can't wait to be held in your arms and taught by the very best mama I can think of! Im always hunted by guilt almost everyday, same as you Im also working in Nursery school, so I always see kids that reminds of my poor one. My boyfriend was with me when I took the test. I am 18 and got an abortion 4 weeks ago. Well, I made it out alive. At 18 weeks, April and her husband found out that their baby had lethal skeletal dysplasia. In a letter shared in advance with the Guardian and sent on . Hesitantly I got the pill, I was just a day before 10 weeks, I held my baby and cried until I couldnt. Best of luck! Only a few days have gone by since I was conceived and I am now growing in your tummy. My parents were very poor but devout Catholics, so abortion was not a legal or moral option for them for any. And with this tornado in my mind, I wrapped the pee stick (that represented my fate) in toilet paper (which, I couldnt help thinking, was a pretty good metaphor for what was now my life). I have no one I can really talk to about my situation. My boyfriend stayed with me but after a while he started blaming me and our relationship change . We have only been together 8 months though. The first line showed up dark pink as it always did, and then, suddenly, a faint second pink line emerged. I instantly thought about abortion and although I was afraid Id regret it I went ahead and scheduled the appointment. Must be awful. My partner abandoned me and I had no money. Share your story, thoughts, and prayers in words, pictures, or video. I hope my 2nd child knows I love him or her. The afternoon I found out I was pregnant with you was just like any other day waiting for my period: I was late. I want to experience the excitement of my first day at school Thank you so much for sharing this. What if I still had no money, no stable place to live? A part of me knows there are logistical & rational reasons why we should not have another & honestly those out number the reasons we should but yet I still want my baby. Xxx, We are all such incredible and compassionate women. Im afraid that in a few years I wont be able to based on my cervical health. My daughter knows that Im pregnant and its a very stressful and uncomfortable situation. It breaks my heart to know that the only two times Ive been pregnant ended with me terminating. I havent seen her since after I delivered her, I immediately went whom and my sister arranged everything after she found out what happened , because I needed help so I called her.. Just a few days before my 22nd birthday. I'll do my very best to be good. Sending love to all of you going through this situation . We want to expand our family but we werent expecting to do it so soon. Because I was born, because I can talk and breathe air and because you can visibly see me in front of your face, I had the "right" to take my first baby's life away. If my partner would of came to me and said he wanted to keep this baby I would have and I would of felt more love for him because his courage. A letter to my unborn child - you deserve an explanation We named you to help us grieve for you By anonymous on 19/11/2013 surgical abortion abortion 18 weeks Firstly I need to tell you that me & your daddy have decided to name you. Love you lots!!! It is sad to see children God has made being murdered. or Gone by The Head and The Heart plays, and I publicly cry at the lyric Gone are the days when the wind would touch my face, gone are the days when youre the wind. And to be honest, your dad and I werent using protection. I cry at every baby shower/kids birthday party I go to, in secret of course. I was very sad.! i know its just rational thinking, but it still hurts a lot. I didnt want anyone in the world to have my baby, I didnt want the guy that knocked me up to have my baby and I also felt a little pushed by his mother to have the abortion so instead of keeping him or her for myself I killed my baby. I understand you completely I found out I was pregnant pretty early ( 2-3 weeks ) decided I was going to go through with the pregnancy after me & my boyfriend relationship changes drastically he started to become emotionally and mentally abuse. I was pregnant for the first time when I was 29 years old . The situation was messy and It all feels like a blur now. I didnt touch you, but I felt you. I miss my baby constantly. I pray for all of you. I am 6 weeks and already feeling flutters and I feel like I will never get past be this. I was a late-in-life baby, the fourth child born when my mom was 42 in 1959. Dear Mom: Letters from an Aborted Baby Week 1 Dear Mom, I know you don't know I am here yet, but I am really excited to spend the next forty weeks with you and never be apart. At first, he was kind of a jerk, but eventually conceded to drive two hours back to San Francisco even though I had just sent him away that morning. I hope you are healing well and have found happiness in other areas of life, until you and your unborn baby see each other again. As the embryo grows I am constantly conflicted. Heartache and emptiness daily. Jocelyn Miller is a Montessori teacher in San Francisco who spends her weekdays supporting the growth, development, and independence of young children. My boyfriend was completely supportive of me and even now when I talk about the baby he knows that it makes me feel better. No baby should be murdered by its mother. Your dad looks at me and then the tests before putting them down, one in my lap and the other in his, but it falls in between us how symbolic. My pregnancy officially ended this evening and it hurts so bad, I feel so much sadness and loss, but I know my baby would not have had the life they deservedas difficult as it is to process, I know deep down that this was the right descision, this baby deserved so much more than I could give. I dont know what to do but I see no way out of this. 13 years later I still cry for my baby. None of it matters. Your dads hand squeezes mine, although I dont think its purposeful, and he asks again, Whats wrong? I look him dead in the eyes, knowing Im about to change his life forever. I still wonder if o made the right decision. Did you end up keeping your baby ? When he parks in front of my school, in front of parents carrying in their babies and small children, I call Planned Parenthood and schedule an abortion for ten days from now. Seven months latter she wrote this letter to a priest. Hi there reading this story made me cry so bad Ive always had irregular periods and issues. My biggest fear is not be Abel to give my girl a sibling I will be 39 in a couple of days so . The Baby Must Be. He advised me continuing the pregnancy would be a danger and I decided more so on my own after talking with my mother if it was the right decision to make for the baby. I dont want to lose you. When your raised in foster care it is because there is virtually no one else willing or able to care for you as a child. I was wondering how you are feeling. Sending love your way. All other content on this website is Copyright 2006-2023 FFP Inc. All rights reserved. Help us build the most popular collection of contemporary poetry on the internet! I hear you and Im there for you. Don't Forget That I Was Here By I hope to someday get to tell my child face to face that I love them and Im sorry and they deserved better. The article reappeared in 1980, and was turned into a song in 2005. . It would have been too early to know the sex for sure but when I think of her I feel her and I know she was my baby girl your not alone, whatever you feel, your not alone. Hi. My advice to you would be to remember that at the end of the day, and your life, you have to be able to live with yourself, so forget about what your partner wants and do what is right for you. Except I really dont want kids so shell never get the chance to come back to me. Physically or health wise and its not suppose to be this way. No baby should be murdered by its mother. And now Im starting to think I am one. I remember my boyfriend and I sitting in the car one evening and wondering aloud what it would look like- would it have my eyes, or his nose?
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