John Brown test testifyed about a b[arre]ll [of] Cyder Burroughs had moved to Wells, Maine, and had been married another two times before the time of the trials. *mary webber, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. Burroughs denied these accusations, but they were common accusations against him. Ann Putnam 25 Duncan Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, M.A. On August 19, 1692, George Burroughs plunged to his death and was buried in a shallow grave. Thanks for writing it. 171: Officials' Expense Accounts for 1692 (Submitted 1692 - 1694), SWP No. When it was finally over and Burroughs still remained in their custody, the lawmen took it as a sign that the Devil had unsuccessfully tried to free Burroughs. in journalism. Greenwood Press, 2008.Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University. George Burroughs (c. 1650 August 19, 1692) was an American religious leader who was the only minister executed for witchcraft during the course of the Salem witch trials. The same day after lecttor in the said: Ingersolls chamber abigaill williams mary walcot said that goody hobs of topfell bitt mary walcot by the foot then both falling into a fit as soone as it was over the said william hobs and his wife goe both of them a long the table; the said hucheson tooke his rapier stabed goody hobs one the side as abigaill williams & mary walcot saide: the said abigaill & mar said the roome was full of them then the said hucheson & Ely putnam stabed with their raperres at a ventor then said mary & abigell you have killed a greet black woman of Stonintown. 5, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. we whose names are under written being present with ann putnam at the times above mentioned: saw hir tortured and hard hir refuse to writ in the book also hard hir declare what is above writen: what she said she saw and hard from the Apperishtion of Mr. George Burroghs and from thos which acc[used him] for murthering of them Wee Comand you all Excuses set apart to be and personaly appear at the present Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem there to Testify the truth to the best of your knowledge on certain Indictm'ts Exhibited against mr George Burrough : hereof fail not dated in Wee comand you all Excuses set apart to be & personaly app'r at the Next Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem on the first Tuesday in August Next There to Testify the Truth on certain Indictments to be Exhibited against George Burroughs & not depart the Court without lycense or leave of s'd Court hereof fail not On penalty of One hundred pounds money to be levied on your Goods Chattels &ca Dated in Salem July 26'th 1692. Burroughs borrowed the money for Hannahs funeral from John Putnam. Salem Sep'r 15'th 1692 Thomas Greinslitt appeared before their Maj'ties Justices of Oyer & Terminer in Open Court & Made Oath that the above mentioned perticulars & Every part of them were True [3] As an American Congregational pastor, he graduated from Harvard College in 1670 with distinguished honors, where he was also considered an outstanding athlete. the Bewitched being present. On May 9, Burroughs was brought to the Salem Village meetinghouse where he was examined by John Hathorne, William Stoughton and Jonathan Corwin, while Reverend Samuel Parris took notes. And this did somewhat appease the people, and the executions went on; when he [Mr. Burroughs] was cut down, he was dragged by a Halter to a hole, or grave, between the rocks, about two feet deep; his shirt and breeches being pulled off, and an old pair of trousers of one executed put on his lower parts: he was so put in, together with Willard and Carrier, that one of his hands, and his chin, and a foot of one of them, was left uncovered. Jno. 2. I will not writ in your book tho you doe kil me He answered it was so long since he could not tell: yet Susan: Sheldon {& 2 Children did accuse him, The Bewitched were so tortured that Authority It has taken 10 weeks for George Michael's cause of death to emerge George Michael died as a result of heart and liver disease, a coroner has confirmed. George Floyd's heart disease and use of fentanyl were contributing factors to his death, but they were not the direct cause, the medical examiner who performed his autopsy testified on Friday in . I am a member of Colonial Clergy, Flagon and Trencher, Associated Daughters of Early American Witches and the Descendants of Brian Boru though Georges ancestors. The Lewis family then moved to Salem, and when Falmouth seemed safe, moved back. (Reverse) Jury men Return about Jacobs He looked back & knockt down all (or more) It is not known why exactly Burroughs was accused but it may have been due to left over resentment from his time as the minister in Salem Village as well as his legal troubles with the Putnam family. knew, Abig: Hobbs George married Williamina Burrows. Reverend George Burroughs (c1650 - 1692) - Executed for witchcraft in the infamous Salem witch trials, George Burroughs was born about 1650 in Suffolk County, England, the son of Nathaniel Burroughs (1618 - 1682) and Rebecca Style (1622 - 1684). In 1711, his family would be given 50 pounds and his name would be cleared of all charges. Flint, Genesee County, Michigan 48507 . 36. Putnam stated that Burroughss spirit had to come to her on April 20 and confessed to her that he had bewitched his first and second wife to death, as well as the wife and child of Reverend Deodat Lawson and several soldiers at Eastward. George Burroughs proceeded to quote the Lord's Prayer perfectly which was believed to be impossible for a witch to do. *Stephen Sewall Cler Burroughs eldest son, Charles Burroughs, filed a claim stating that his fathers estate was seized after his conviction, leaving the family with very little money, and asked for 50 pounds in damages: To the Honoured Comitte apoined by the Gennarll Court to Inquire into the Names of Such as may be Meet for takeing of the atta[nbar ]der for the Makeing Some Restitucon & these Humbly & Sorroufully Shew that our Dear & Honourd father Mr George Burrough was aprehened in apriel 1692 at wells & Imprisoned Severall Months in Bostone & Salem Goales and at last Condemened & Executed for whichcraft which we have all the reason in the world to bleve he was innocent of by his carefull Chatecizing his Chilldren & upholding religion in his family and by his Solom & Savory written Instructions from prison we were Left a parsell of small Chilldren of us helpless & a mother in Law with one Small Child of her owne to take care of whereby she was not so Capable to take care of us by all which our fathers small Estate was most of it Lost & Expended and we Scattered we cannot tell Certanly what the lose may be but the Least we can Judge by best information was fifty poundes besides the damage that hath acrued to us many wayes thereby is Some hundreds of pounds wee Earnestly pray that the attainder may be taken of & if you please the fifty pounds may be restored.. 173: Reversal of Attainder and Restitution (1710 - 1750). Couple of interesting notes. This branch of the family has been in VA for several hundred years. John Pierce and 2, No. dreadfull tell me your name that I may know who you are: then againe he tortored me & urged me to writ in his book: which I Refused: and then presently he tould me that his name was George Burroughs and that he had had three wives: and that he had bewitched the Two first of them to death: and that he kiled Mist. Essex County Court Records, Vol. Burroughs and other survivors, including a young Mercy Lewis and her family, fled to an island in the Casco Bay where they foraged for food until they were rescued, according to a letter from Major Brian Pendleton to the Governor of Massachusetts: Honored Governor together with the Counsell,I am sorry my pen must be the messenger of so great a tragedy. Stoughton The next day, Margaret Jacobs recanted her testimony against both Burroughs and her grandfather, George Jacobs, Sr. As with the others executed, he was cast into a common, unmarked grave. Ann Putnam Born in Glace Bay he was the son of Blanche and the late Patrick Burrows. I told him itt did not belong to mee, and I was not willing to medle or make with itt, then s'd King sayd are you not a Christian if you are a Christian goe [&] see him and discourse with him, but I told him I did beleive it did not belong to such as I was to discourse him he being a Learned man. ), Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae nunc: Anglia &c Quarto, Essex ss: The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of falmouth within the Province of the Mattathusets Bay in New England Clarke the Ninth Day of May in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Soverigne Lord & Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c Diver other Dayes and times as well before as After certaine Detestable Artes called Witchcrafts & Sorceries: Wickedly and feloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at and within the Towne of Salem in the County afores'd in upon and ag't one: Ann Putman of Salem Village SingleWoman -- by which said wicked arts the Said Ann Putman the Ninth Day of May in the fourth year abovesaid and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed Wasted and Tormented also for sundry other Acts of Witchcrafts by said George Burroughs Committed and Done ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne & Dignity and ag't the form of the Statute in tha[t] case: made and Provided: He gives an acct of 32 killed and carried away by the Indians: himself escaped to an Island, but I hope Black point men have fetched him of by this time. Keyzer: declared: to the Jury of Inquest that the evidence: in this paper is the truth upon oath: Aug'st 3 1692 Mercy Lewis. (accessed March 4, 2023). Last Known Residence . Mercy Lewis's uncle, Thomas Skilling, died from an injury brought on by the Indian attack. 7a, Mass. Burroughs was described in a reading by Frances Hill: "George Burroughs was confident, strong-willed, and decisive, a man of action as well as a preacher, unusually athletic and clever enough to do well in Harvard. I suppose a dozen of them. Several witnesses testified that they often heard Burroughs bragging about an incident where he lifted a heavy gun with one finger and other incidents where he claimed to have carried heavy barrels of cider by himself, although he always declined to recreate these events. According to a recent handwriting analysis by Professor Peter Grund, from the University of Kansas, the afflicted girls testimonies were all written by Thomas Putnam. enter into a covenant. Like most widowers with young children, he remarried shortly after, to a woman named Sarah Ruck Hathorne. 164: Preparation for the Court of Oyer and Terminer (May - August 1692), SWP No. Yet, upon closer inspection, there were a multitude of factors that brought him under suspicion, and many of these surrounded his spirituality and commitment to Puritanism.
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