In the yellow circle could be just a leaf, but not in the red one. I havent spotted the finger with the silver ring in photo IMG_0580 thats the name of the hair photo, and in the night photos you found out that there are not one but two individuals that are of native origin nonetheless, which specific photos led you to that conclusion? For what reason? Could fishing line be being used to secure all this making it hard to see, & could that blue object on the ground be part of the roof device- step on it & it triggers it or something like that? Youre welcome to do that other places online. And two months later, a pelvic bone and a foot - still inside a boot - were found in the same area, according to La Estrella de Panama. I too believe this is most likely what happened. The group of 13 youngsters - nine from Coln province and four who were visiting from Panama City - left on Friday morning to go swimming in Gatn Lake. (The photos where the sky is suddenly cloudy). She cant be shielding her eyes from the sun, as no shadow is falling over her eyes. Im sitting here, with tears in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.The transition from two weeks of lively holiday to stepping into the life of a real Panamanian family is just too much for me I want MOM and dad to hold me tight and tell me that everything will be alright I now feel like a small child of 2 yelling for her mother who is 2 meters away. Thank you so much for walking the walk. Most novices wouldnt know how to properly handle something like this, so it was probably someone experienced with computers. And the police are not helping at all it seems to me that they want to destroy the investigation. She also is DEFINITELY looking to the right of the person with the camera (presumably Lisanne). Basically akin to that in the movie the predator. For the first handful, a correct password was entered. A man and a woman. After this, the photos were from April 8, 2014and likely snappedbetween 1 amand 4 am. It was taken on the Continental Divide exactly 14 minutes and 12 seconds after their photos at the Mirador. Most of the tourists come from the United States, Canada, Europe, Central America, and South America. The same thing happened to the taxidriver who drove Kris and Lisanne to the forest. After a second look, I found that the Yahoo article specifically states that it was 17 foreigners belonging to another sect, but Yahoo was somewhat unclear Foreign can have a lot of meanings in this context. It was probably done by the perpetrators in order to collect the reward money. Emilio Virola - 12 years in prison. Perhaps the photos served astrail markersto help the young women find their way around or back to therescuers. There was enough evidence in this investigation to solve the case and possibly find Kris and Lisanne while they were alive. The Taxi driver was found dead later so no idea how much of this could be confirmed. This is an interesting analysis, of this photos and the case in general. January 4, 2023. The pictures taken were used to place Kris in pictures on the Mirador with Lisanne. Im curious about your experience living abroad. More info here. But there are a few holes in this particular theory. "Those flash floods made staging scenes or strategically placing items impossible.". Hi Birgitte, thank you for your comment. This photo of Kris Kremers is identified as Photo 505. The camera could have malfunctioned but this seem highly unlikely. The white and red object on the left looks slightly like a cows head and what I took to be Kriss tousled hair on the left of her head now looks like the thumb and fore finger of her left hand pointing to the inside of the hut. The stats leave 42 cases currently open since 2007. The blood on her leg is, again, a shadow. Herm appears to be traveling up to her head, which is why you dont see her sleeve. People have been there. If it is a photo-op, why is Kris not waving her hands or something. These other comments are just people seeing what they want to see, to make things more mysterious. Hi Chris, i uploaded the photo to show what i see. Kris walks down the ravine and bends over to examine orange graffiti As soon as I zoomed in, my heart sank for her. Hope there will be a reasonable explanation to everything one day. September 1, 2022. The link to the main page where I give complete details of the story: The True Story of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon 2 Girls That Disappeared in Panama. Instead, they think What words can I say to make my local population feel better? After all, locals elect these same authorities. Hi Carin, thanks for your comment. The day before theguided tour, however, they decided to explore the area surrounding the activeBarVolcano towards the Continental Divide. Once there, the families and detectives began a massive search. That is the key. Make sure you contact someone with this info. And thinking its more possible that another person with a bleachbath and a Laptop/PC is wandering the jungle in Panama just shows me how little people nowadays know how dangerous the outdoors can be. Dog owners here are not mindful of where their dog goes the owners are tending to their own life: working, raising children, running a business, or resting during the hot days. They got lost and they died of starvation and a hard ration, except for Chriss. "For now, however, this finally marks the beginning of our grieving process and provides us with a path to closure.". In the end, maybe this photo has more information that was originally thought. This is why the ping data can help because it can show if they were in one place or moving. Thank you for reading. While posing with sticking out your tongue means for a Dutch native you found something disgusting, especially while simultaneously closing your eyes. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. Then there are no images until April 8, when 90 unsettling nighttime pictures were taken with flash in the middle of the jungle with timestamps between 1:00 and 4:00 AM. Both of these photos were photoshopped! The dog ran away and they followed it into the woods to try to get it back? Hello and thank you for doing such a thorough research. And theyre gaining steam in recent years. Their causes of death have never been determined. I was looking at the photographs again and something caught my eye. It looks like a turtle shell hanging on the right side of the picture (its further up). I find it really creepy, but maybe Im looking at it wrong due to shadows and light. The land behind her is definitely at a higher level and could be rock. THANK GOD SOMEONE IS SEEING WHAT I SEE. Maybe the girls were not so clever at tech but they did not leave voice or video memos to document their predicament not goodbye messages for family. She clearly thinks shes found something amazing. The relationship between pets and owners is different in Central America than in developed countries. However, any link that requires any form of downloads, account creation or spammy activity, to view linked content, will not be permitted. This connected callwas stable for roughly two seconds. Is there much shareable knowledge about the gang in the area? I think someone followed the girls, caught them, killed them and brought them somewhere, hid them, so they were never found. One thing is for sure, I will never travel to Panama. Ive travelled through Central and South America quite a bit and these experiences cant be found elsewhere. A Panamanian search and rescue team helped recover the bodies after more than 690 hours of searching, authorities said. However, if Kremers and Froon had found manmade ramshackle structures during their hike, such as the possible items viewed in this photo, its possible they had unwanted company. Its possible theres a painted insignia on the post to right of Kris. I wondered if it was a mirror or piece of metal and her reflection. If you can rule out getting lost or falling off the trail in that circle, all my money is on foul Most disappearance cases dont get such publicity, so you can imagine how much less effort goes into them. It is extremely easy to photoshop a photo once it has been darkened. Im not saying that I dont think foul play was involved. At that time, she had her phone. Could be that the path turns sharp right or left (out of the frame) or continues up ahead after a short scramble. News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. Maybe they were forced by someone to go. Again, these are just observations. Eventually theyll have to confront these issues or nobody will visit and expats/immigrants/investors will leave. And the weird flesh colored thing hanging in the tree to her left could be a skinned animal. Could the red object be a bird? She must therefore be in a house or building of some kind and therefore being kept prisoner at least for the 8 days before that photo was taken. However, amiscommunication led to them arriving in Boquete too early for their program, which Kremersnoted was "rude and not at all friendly" in a diary entry. ): I no longer believe there was any mirror; What we see is instead is the lid of a soft food container (you can see the food stuck around the edges). Im not sure if Ive found something new here, but I havent found anyone else discussing these details online. Ive been into crime shows lately and my husband says I should be an investigator because Im obsessed. Yes, I can see that too Chyna Lee. It is also possible that an unknown person, possibly the one responsible for the girls deaths, deleted the file for some reason but not the others on the card with a laptop in the middle of the jungle. And the black mark on her face. Tuesday morning, Velleman and Borries were recovered from inside the plane, according to Albert Lewitinn, a representative for the Velleman family. I also live in a third-world country about which it was said that investigations were shut down, or botched, to protect the tourist industry. I can assure you that is nonsense. I would expect especially on the first day for total panic to occur and multiple attempts to be made until a decision was made to save battery strength. The jungle was searched for another ten days with the help of the cops from the Netherlands - but there was no sign of the girls. All very different from the happy silly girlie pictures at the beginning. I really hope the girls rest in peace and that nobody goes through this ever. More than 100 pictureswere on the camera; the first few looked like normal tourist photos with the womensmiling together. The backpack contained two pairs of sunglasses, $83 in cash, two bras, a water bottle - and importantly, Lisanne's passport. Therefore we cannot conclude that a dog was even with them. What is peculiar is that there were no attempts to contact anyone other than the emergency services. Tony and Debra Velleman are pictured in an undated image. Shadow play back and forth, I find it more than weird that you can clearly see the number 5. According to ageographicalexpert, the three-mile stretch is relatively easy to explore, and most missing tourists return without assistance or come across search parties looking for them. Dogs are very independent here. I know AMAZING explanition it is sad they are dead but my friend said they might be faking and Lisanne froon and kris kremer ate people to fake their bones but I think my friend is wrong. Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were both adventurers. In the days following the students' disappearances, authorities conducted footand aerial searches. They decided to take that short hike, but they failed to tell anyone where they were going and what time to expect them back. Debra Ann Velleman, of Waukesha, Wis., and Sue Borries, of Teutopolis, Ill., are missing after their plane crashed off the coast of Panama on Jan. 3, 2022. Hi Chris..I just came across this story yesterday and it was really sad and disturbingI hope the truth comes out too. If you have any supplementary information regarding the case, or if you were involved in this case and feel that the information available in this article impacts your privacy, please contact our team. IF there was a dog with them why then did they not photograph it? I believe one fell. Does anyone see what I see? Im very impressed. Its up to the public now the government closed the case 6 years ago. Perhaps the owner had an underlying influence/incentive to express conviction in his or her statement about the dog. One showed Kremers with what looked like concern on her face,dated around the time of the emergency calls. Chris, I hope you and a team go but I also understand, in the present age of uncertainty, if you dont. Ive removed their comment and blocked them from reposting. The red and black objects look like bolt cutters or tree cutter. If I remember correctly half of a pelvic bone was found that belong to the other girl so I think we should give the other girl some thought. Again NO SIGNAL! Hi Louie, Unfortunately no. Not to mention her hair was down in the photos at the beginning of the hike and now they appear to be in at least two pony tails where devil horns would be. Also I see a black pipe if you look carefully near one of the red and black objects the one that was circled. The girls went for a swim in a rock pool. The grimace on Kris face is because she is in pain. The calls bother me though. Be careful. Jeroen Jumulet / Stringer / AFP / Getty Images, Blue returned from the hike unaccompanied. El despus, es pnico y preocupacin. She has no idea that her parents are about to arrive in Panama. There was one person that said that the dog left with them when they set out on their hike. Only a handful of the pictures retrieved from the memory card showed clear images, with most showing near-complete darkness. Theres a red cord tied around her waist that wasnt on her in any of the other photos. That could just be confirmation bias on my part. Check out David Paulidess accounts of people who go missing every day in state parks. Two young women, who dont take any risks, go for a trip in the jungle and get lost in a mysterious way? For the next three days she keeps moving, weakened by exposure to the elements and at the edge of starvation. The goal wouldnt be to identify suspects or disrupt anyones life. I dont really speculate much with psychic readings or energy. Kris Kremers, 21, and Lisanne Froon, 22, went for a walk through the scenic forests around the Baru volcano in Boquete - and never returned. I dont think so. It also contained Lisanne's camera and both of their phones. Very interesting and completely changed my mind. In this photo is another object (or two? Let me know about your opinion heres the link loads of greetings Mel. Its almost as if Kris is in the midst of turning back around at the moment this photo is taken, due to the foliage becoming too dense to proceed any further. Their backpack contents and electronics were stolen to be sold later but handed back to stop the search and not be incriminated. Thanks, John. I have spent a lifetime walking in the forest near my home and I dont see the odd things that people see. So I see men in the cave. The biggest danger for travelers in Central America is crime. Or maybe the girls were using the flash as light in the dark. Froons bones appeared as if they had decomposed naturally, but Kremerss bones were mysteriously stark white as if they had been bleached, raising questions about whether someone had been involved in their deaths. She is looking down to the left and appears to be shocked by what she sees. Also subsequently one or the other phone connected without them obviously knowing. Who said they didnt? The place itself might reveal some clues as to what sort of person or people would construct it and what are the chances of them doing something bad. It doesnt matter. Rainfall probably washed the bag into the water. It suggest that this case goes deeper than we imagine. I think its equally powerful just to disprove the official theory. I think most of what people are seeing -other than the obvious, of course- is pareidolia. That would account for a canopy structure being built there. We have no police report to read which its self may also contain errors. So, their work was good but not perfect. But others have suggested the chilling photos might have been taken by someone else after killing the girls. The green rock directly in front of Kris appears to float in space. I wrote about the upcoming book here: Theres no evidence that animals scavenged the Holandesas., Panamanian IMELCF Forensic Anthropologist, This is from the Daily Beast interview with Jeremy Kryt titled: The Lost Girls, the Bones, and the Man in the Panama Morgue. I bounce around a little and try to get to the crux of the issue. On April 3, 2014, authorities began an aerial search of the forests and an on-foot search ofBoquete. I do think it looks like red flowers growing through the structure, and whilst I agree that it does look like there is some sort of symbol on the tree, after studying her pose from the photo above, I dont think she would be acting / posing like that if there was a creepy ass symbol scrawled into the tree! The gangs in Panama are much smaller, usually consisting of between 5 and 30 people. Someone mentioned a Jaguar? Other than the dog, the young women went on their hike alone, only asking for directions from a local innkeeper, who advised them to take a taxi back to town. Trials are too costly. The local jungle tribes people have been looking for the girls. I think murder is quite likely. Why were they still in the jungle at 4:39 PM when they made their first distress call?
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