Serana radiant interactions with many new NPCs. Still, YMMV and I won't be responsible for any AI bugs/wonkiness with Serana. * Even with that considered, this mod will still continue to be developed and updated with a plethora of new content in the future. topic, - Added quest condition to Serana's feeling good line, - A "What's On Your Mind?" With this installed, you'll be exposed to her entire dialogue pool (again, all lines voiced by Laura Bailey). - Fixed custom greet loop with the "Arthon" name. - Removed script notification that SDA is not fully revoiced. One of the largest content updates thus far! New quest-aware commentary, as well as dialogue for said armor. This will be enabled when 3.0 is released.). - New wait dialogue. - Reimplemented radiant hello dialogue, in a similar manner to what I did with Whats on Your Mind?. - Added "What's On Your Mind" conversation for Ram Horn Witch to Drinking Buddies, - Papyrus Script Optimizations to reduce Papyrus Log errors, - (Beta to full release) Added in three missing voice lines. Included in this mod: Dialogue which will appear to change Serana's attributes making her marriable. - Backend tweaks for the future implementation of an awesome new feature, allowing Serana's base dialogue animations to change based on her current mood! - Added a small conversation where Serana asks the player a question about companionship. This includes anything that will be seen by an audience of people, whether it be a Skyrim modification or even a video.Mod Pack Authors can use my content in their mod lists (even without my permission) but CANNOT benefit off of monetizations in any way, shape, or form. - Spell Enabling/Disabling voiced responses. This also prevents dialogue from being tabbed out like before- the dialogue should be more continuous now. The player will be able to ask Serana which version they'd like her to play in-game. Again, to rectify this just stand still or move in her direction. It should pop up now for those who have finished the Main Quest. I haven't gotten that to work yet, so you'll have to dismiss her yourself. The patch has been completely redone (new records and new patch name), so just to be on the safe side you should start a new game with it/a game that hasn't had a Crimson Blood patch installed. Credits: - rxkx22's Seranaholic mod for the screenshot- Yinkle for the SL patch- Xiderpunk and Ashal for giving permission to use their animation frameworks, as well as Xider for invaluable help with writing the FG detection code and helping me troubleshoot- For all the users in various Discords and the Nexus forums for helping me out with troubleshooting and coding concerns- GuerillaTech for pointing grammar/punctuation/inconsistency errors out for the subtitle fixes- Netherworks and EnaiSiaion for giving me permission to use and tweak their mod assets for SDA patches- Bethesda for making such an amazing game- Kerstyn Unger for lending such an amazing voice to help out with this project. - Added AlternateVoice flags to Kerstyn dialogue which previously didn't have any, - Added workarounds to prevent the Serana dialogue looping animation, - Removed "Say Once" condition to Serana Vampire conversation so the player will be able to experience it more than once, - Miscellaneous backend code improvements, - Serana won't greet you with her radiant greets when in the Castle Volkihar Boss room, - She also won't greet you if you're currently in dialogue with another NPC (soft-requires SKSE, only on Oldrim/SSE), - Serana will no longer engage in quest commentary if the player is speaking to another NPC, - Serana will no longer stand up and do weird dialogue animations while she's sitting down (mostly with WhatsOnYourMind dialogue), - Decreased frequency of Serana sneak greets, as to not irritate the player, - Serana will no longer talk to NPCs (NPC Banter) while sneaking. This happens later in the Dawnguard questline so it's good for roleplay. - These are technically mini-quests, but they aren't marked on your journal or anything. This has since been fixed. Sticking with the Dawnguard-side NPCs for now, this first implementation should highlight my design philosophy for future NPC interactions. 2. NOTE: Since Remiel has conversations with the vanilla Serana, I recommend you install the Remiel Banter Patch (via Patch Hub, or Xbox mod page) to prevent voice overlap. - Completely redid revoice implementation. - Added in framework to adjust animation priority and which adult frameworks are selected for romance scenes (disabled for now while I continue to develop the code). - The friendship variable is now optionally set through completing a set number of backstory dialogues with Serana. If you're planning to experience the Solstheim side quests, it's advisable to install this update on a save where you haven't traveled there yet. If you've been having problems with the quest, this bugfix update should fix it for sure. The player can choose to delay this too, in case they need Serana for a quest or just want her to stick around for a bit longer. Hey everyone! All rights reserved. - Some backend changes to ensure some of the Main Quest dialogue fired off correctly, and at the right times. -You can now ask Serana whether you want her to keep her hood on or not! With the release of Version 2.9, I'm recommending you use Dark Brotherhood For Good Guys (if you are playing through the DB questline) // While not necessary, I use the information in the dossiers added by the mod in dialogue with Serana. Serana will also be able to travel beside you, should you ask her to do that. - Fixed some backend problems with the SDA Injured Dialogue. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. ", - Serana Companions commentary is now started via a ChangeLocationEvent SM Node. - Removed SDA Friendship requirement for the College of Winterhold commentary. - Reimplemented "What's on Your Mind" conversations, with better-written dialogue that supersedes the somewhat bland and one-note conversations that were previously there. - A new "Trust" conversation, which aims to solve a DG plothole. Whenever you mount your own horse, she will mount hers in turn. PLEASE heed this advice as if you don't, you might run into some weird and annoying wonkiness. - Added some missing scripts and flags that allowed the SDA Injured Commentary to be reset, having it function as a radiant commentary feature, as originally intended, - Added more Alternate Voice flags to existing dialogue, - Fixed some staticy sounds with existing dialogue lines, - Removed more redundant records from earlier versions of the mod, - Improvements to quest commentary fragment scripts, - Serana radiant drink sessions functionality. - Fixed xEdit script property Warning Message (was previously harmless though). Conditional to only occur if player has started the main quest and is recognized as Dragonborn. - Increased frequency of sneak greets and goodbyes again, - Increased skill threshold for a lot of Serana's praise on your skills, - Added conditions so a lot of Serana's playful greets won't occur within dungeons. - Added another ending conversation with Serana after defeating Harkon. Serana commentary should work, but YMMV, as SDA pretty much assumes you kill Tyranus when prompted. - Added script fragments to certain dialogues/scenes during the Dawnguard questline (for both the Dawnguard and vampire sides) to toggle the SDA_AlternateVoice variable. - Fixed an oversight toggle that accidentally triggered the Laura Bailey voice during the Prophet quest (Dawnguard side). The 'Realistic' option is set by default. Bad news; still gives a black screen upon RE-loading that save (it will work the first time). - Created an optional patch for the Lustmord Armor mod. However, all copyright within the confines of content added by this individual game modification belongs to me, the mod author. - You can now change how far or near you want Serana to travel along with you! Full faction and quest awareness for both of the factions listed above. She chooses to stick around, and her ending reaction to you has been toned down a bit. The script fires off when you've talked to her again right after your second rendezvous (Prophet Quest), - Added SDA_Friendship condition to Serana radiant hobbies dialogue as well as radiant humming, - Reduced probability of sneezes and yawns. A quest marker will be provided for where to go. Serana's radiant love and drinking buddies forcegreets will no longer occur if she is not following the player. This quest awareness is extensive, and covers every single Companions quest until the end of the questline. - Disabled some post-Harkon fight player dialogue, as one of those topics was already made redundant in recent updates, - Disabled "show on the road" dialogue as this has been largely been made redundant by new radiant dialogue recorded by Kerstyn, - Disabled Serana's lycanthropy dialogue, as a lot of the added quest commentary in 2.3 supersedes this thematically, - Disabled "I'd just enjoy watching you for a bit." This should hopefully help with problems some users have been experiencing. This is to maximize compatibility and ensure the vanilla cure quest proceeds as usual. If you have more questions or would like to know more, please visit my website! It was not possible to disable the zombie spell without editing Serana's base NPC record, which is out of the scope of this mod (as to keep it compatible with all Serana Replacers). - The player gets a bonus perk for completing these talks, so there's both an incentive for it, RP, and game wise! - Removed GetDistance requirement from radiant lovemaking dialogue. - Rewrites for various Serana dialogues, ranging from role-play, NPC Banter, idle lines, quest commentary. If she can't wait, Serana's wait functionality will just be suspended - though this may create some wonkiness, so I suggest you do not complete the Diplomatic Immunity quest with Serana, or use the sleep feature once Chasing Echoes is active. Big Update! Some of these are scripted, as to add to and grow Serana's character development in relation to to other characters, but some of them are radiant (which means the conversations are rather inconsequential and can randomly occur). - Serana will now be able to give you gifts too! - Serana's House of Horrors commentary was still not occurring for some people. - Redone Crimson Blood armor dialogue patch. if you have Skyrim Special Edition you use SE (Special Edition) mods on nexus , if you have Skyrim Legendary Edition you use LE (Legenday Edition) mods on the nexus , i dont think there is LE version for "serana dialogue addon" , so make sure of that foremost , then you get load order when you manage multiple mods trough a Mod Manager like MO2 (Mod Organizer 2) this way you have multiple mods . If she is far behind (beyond hearing/conversation distance) she will be teleported to a spot near the player that they can't see (so sort of like a catchup feature). - An ability is now added when the player first enters into a romance with Serana. Apocalypse spell support was previously planned to be included, but this has been postponed to Version 3.4. Previously they were able to, and Serana turned hostile as a result. Serana Dialogue Add-On is highly acclaimed and also featured in Forbes magazine. There's still a whole lot I can do with Serana Dialogue Add-On (including stuff I've pushed back, like the Lost to the Ages commentary). If Sofia stays with the adventuring party for too long (5 days) Serana gets annoyed and asks her to be dismissed. As of 3.0 and for later updates, Serana Dialogue Add-On will be intended to be an all-encompassing Serana mod, other than editing her vanilla appearance. - Main Quest Dialogue added (Bleak Falls Barrow->Ustengrav | post-Blackreach on the to-do list). Improvements to overall commentary code. - Serana is now recognized by the vanilla game as a "lover" after she elopes with the player (Relationship Rank 4), - She should no longer greet you while you're in a conversation with another NPC, - Backend changes for the first confession quest, that Serana's dialogue would play out fully and not be interrupted, - More backend improvements to make future development more organized, - Fixed sound static with faulty audio files (Thanks to GuerillaTech for finding the faulty files! - Declining Serana's marriage proposal will no longer gate future Serana Romance content. Even vampires get tired. For the players, just try to role-play and be considerate, alright? The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. - Patch update by Noodle Bowl. You can now teach her spells (from a select list of vanilla spells). On the other hand for users who don't have Flower Girls installed, romance scenes will be implemented as fade-to-blacks with appropriate contextual messages. In later conversations, romance can still be opted out of, as usual. - Final Serana Romance quest to end Serana's Romance questline. (Professional, Platonic, or Romantic relationship), - However, if the player installs the mod after a particular point in Dawnguard (Unseen Visions) it is automatically assumed that the player and Serana are in a romantic relationship. No patch plugin needed, SDA should automatically detect when you have said mod installed and Serana is wearing the Ram Horn cuirass. Even if you have a high skill in a certain weapon/magic, Serana will not comment on it, unless you have said items equipped. This patch was made to ensure players who followed those deities via the Wintersun mod could still accrue favor with them , while being "married" to Serana. Bethesda meant only the player to attend the party, no one else. - Drink with Serana (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks) at any inn, and have casual and immersive talks over a multitude of topics. Because the Serana marriage in this mod is treated very differently from typical vanilla marriage, both role-play wise and gameplay wise. Again, her friendship timer is started as soon as you meet her for the second time (either in Fort Dawnguard/ Castle Volkihar) and tell her, "So, here we are again. - Added optional DX Crimson Blood Armor patch. For now it's just about her dad but more topics to come for the next release. - Changed debug notification of Flower Girls install to say Flower Girls SE, to properly represent the Special Edition version. - Reduced frequency of pop culture/meme lines by -20%, - Reduced frequency of Serana singing by -5%. - Sleeping functionality. The revoice is completed. The former song acts as a universal entry or starting point for Serana's song capabilities, as previously, "The Dragonborn Comes" would only be available to Dragonborn players. Dubbed Serana's Charm, this increases the player's speech skill whenever Serana is nearby (This is only available on saves which have not gotten past the point when she first romances you). For this to work, players need to download the SDA Wig Patch (implementation still WIP, SMP wig patches to be uploaded soon) or add their own wig records to the SDA_Wiglist Formlist via a custom patch in xEdit. - (Main Quest) Serana is now properly dismissed as her she talks with the player right before they leave for Skuldafn, - The "Tale of the Tongues" song dialogue was conditioned incorrectly. Thanks to GuerillaTech for pointing them out! There was on update on nexus so I'll post that here: from the MA "Important Announcement Regarding AE: Hey guys! - The "strange sensation" message shouldn't appear twice now. - Repurposed existing SDA conversations ((Stories on the Island, Shop, "How does it feel to be a vampire" dialogue) for Drinking Buddies- you can now talk to Serana about these topics through the Drinking Buddies feature! Serana will no longer comment negatively about the Companions if you've told her you want to cure the Circle of their lycanthropy. - Backend improvements with WhatsOnYourMind dialogue. This means that SDA will already include many quality of life or bugfixes for Serana as a follower. - New romance content towards the earlier parts of Serana's romance plotline. - SDA_AlternateVoice check now occurs within the premises of the entire castle location, during Chasing Echoes- not just the dungeon interior. These new lines are also faction-aware, so Serana will have different responses based on whether or not you're part of a particular group in Skyrim. - There was an oversight with the latest scripting that allowed some quests to be started by the Story Manager again and again, even if they had already been run before. Re-added some cut content back to the Trust conversation. A lot of the underlying code has been overhauled, so I don't recommend you install this particular update on an existing save. If that doesn't work, then type "stopquest SDA_FollowerBanter" in the console, followed by "startquest" for that same quest entry. - One of the radiant greets had a mismatching audio file. After this update, SDA will now be incompatible with other mods that give Serana custom horses/custom horse support, like Convenient Horses (but a patch for that mod will be provided). Improvements to dialogue scene AI packages, Improvements to Radiant Hello Timings (should be more varied and less spammy). - Banter toggle with custom-voiced followers. - Improvements to dialogue conditions for SDA Hangover commentary, - Backend script improvements with quest aliases, - Mjoll Banter will no longer occur outside of Riften, or when Mjoll is a follower, - Script improvements for scripting language of Alternate Voice toggle, - Backend script improvements for Radiant Love Quest. Some good stuff- primarily the fact that you're now able to romance Serana. Not to mention the mod should load faster on older hardware! - Full implementation of lockpick dialogue (requires SKSE, but who doesn't have it these days?). - Deleted unnecessary and old dialogue lines from previous iterations of the mod, - Added in missing script to activate Serana friendship timer. Without spoiling anything (as this specific Companions commentary has key story beats for Serana's character) Serana needs to be dismissable, and she isn't during any of these Dawnguard DLC quests. Some issues prevented it from occurring in a radiant manner. - Added a "LocTypeDungeon" condition for Serana's radiant love timer, so she won't be asking you for kisses in a dungeon anymore. Now Serana should never be lost again! To fix this, just stop moving to refresh Serana's package stack. - Changed the existing conditions for existing dialogue to make more sense. Page 2 of 2 - About Serana Dialogue Add-on Mod - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Discussion: This question is best asked on the Serana Dialogue Add-On page here at the Nexus. So if you don't have the mod installed, the commentary should still run, but there will be a bit of a narrative disconnect. - Radiant commentary on Ancient Technology quest. Added proper location keyword for Forebears Hideout (where the Moth Priest quest is) since there was none. These lines will be added in with the rest of the 2.8 update, but for now, Laura will be voicing those lines with her vanilla depiction. Rewrites and revoices of earlier SDA content. Serana will still eventually be attracted to the player (should the player have chosen the romance route) but this will be shown more organically and Serana should come off as less horny and/or player-pandering. Just make sure you talk with her while in that same room, with that bed already rented. - Added radiant quest dialogue for the Dawnguard side. The base narrative for the Thieves Guild remains unchanged, in addition to vanilla records not needing to be edited. - Backend improvements for how Serana Romance quests are numbered. - Implemented a proper dismiss and wait script to Serana's "House of Horrors" and "Diplomatic Immunity" quests respectively. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. so that it can be asked right away without having to ask "Can I talk to you for a bit?" I mean, why wouldn't Serana, a mage, have more to say about this place? - It is important to note that these quests are optional, and do have different outcomes. So if she gets lost, or you just need her in a jiffy- Serana can pop right to your location (though, she does get a bit nauseus when teleporting (similar to Geralt from The Witcher games) so do be careful! This was implemented to some extent in vanilla (hence how Serana had different dialogue animations throughout the DG questline) but never fully realized. Upon initiating a short conversation with her (available during the Moth Priest hunt at the earliest) Serana will give you a spell that allows you to summon her from just about anywhere! - Patch release. - More subtitle fixes, especially for some font characters which may sometimes display as square boxes, - Serana or other NPCs which have banter with her won't initiate their scenes when the player is currently in dialogue (Requires SKSE). - Disabled one of the post-Harkon fight dialogues, as these have now been largely superceded by the addition of the Serana romance. Serana asks to go on a date after confessing her love to the Dragonborn.Mods Installed - 365SDA MOD - 3.3.2 Version. - More tunes for Serana to idle-hum to based on some vanilla tunes as well as those from her current song library, - Complete location conversations on all of the remaining major Skyrim Holds (Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, Solitude, Markarth), - A new conversation about Serana's childhood. - Added in another condition to the Alternate Voice switching script- turns out I forgot Chasing Echoes also took place in the Soul Cairn, not just Castle Vokihar, - Fixed radiant love dialogue not appearing for some, - Added in some more failsafes to ensure Companions commentary runs more smoothly, - Fixed Serana not being able to train you in Speechcraft, - Moved all Serana's goodbye lines into one consolidated branch under a new data quest entry. | If the banter is not triggering for you for some reason (Serana should speak to Sofia as soon as they meet) try saving, then reloading your save. - Added dialogue to disable Serana's vanilla raise zombie spells. - A new romance mini-quest for players who have chosen to elope with Serana. No need for patches :). This should help with the VA disparity and greatly improve overall user experience. Includes both some radiant and story-driven conversations. - Disabled SDA_VanillaSpellHandler, which was an artifact of the last raise zombie implementation. It's intended for her to stop her headtracking and just look forward, which works sometimes. You can now ask Serana to sleep in any bed that is player-owned/unowned, considering there's one nearby. - While drinking (if in third person) the player will now also play the appropriate drinking animations. junctions that weren't previously there. Partial Revoice Lines for more vanilla conversations, - Talking about Serana's father (DLC1NPCMentalModelKillingDad). "The Tale of the Tongues" is for Dragonborn/MQ players as well, conditioned to only occur after the main quest. - Serana now has a map marker, toggle-able through the quest journal. - Reduced radiant love dialogue frequency by another 10%, - Removed "Stay away from my girlfriend/boyfriend" lines, Version 2.5, The Radiant Update Redux Changelog. - "House of Horrors" quest awareness. Integrated patch for the BDO Ram Horn Witch Armor ([SE] DM BDOR Ram Horn Witch by Rektas & Xing, Team TAL | Team TAL on Patreon). - The first Serana Romance conversation will no longer occur in Dimhollow Crypt- instead when you first exit the crypt with Serana. - Completely redone Serana "What's your opinion on" dialogue with new lines voiced by the new VA, Kerstyn Unger! - Radiant conversation dialogue with Serana to start off a day's adventuring (this only occurs post-Dawnguard too, as during the Dawnguard questline there would be more important matters to tend to.). (Feature based on code by Followers as Companions by Ishara Meradin). - Serana can now cook home-cooked meals for you, similar to how vanilla spouses can. This is only available after the Dawnguard questline, should the romance route have been pursued with the vampire princess. - Fixed a possible issue for some users with the Companions commentary.
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