Claire takes advantage of Joe's affections of her and seduces him before stabbing him. According to the text, which of the following is NOT considered a form of program music? Haydn, Symphony No. True or false: Even when the entire choir is singing the chant, the texture remains monophonic. :28. (player 3:59), This composition is a clear example of: It contrasts a group of instruments with a solo instrument. :34, Which one of the following excerpts belongs to a large choral work from the classical period? See Page 1. True. The modern word juggler comes from jongleur; Jongleurs performed in castles, taverns, and town squares; Jongleurs, being wandering minstrels, carried news with them wherever they went; Jongleurs played instruments and sang songs for entertainment. The proper musical term for "increasing the tempo" is __________. Decide whether each underlined noun in the following sentences is common or proper, concrete or abstract. True or false: The higher a note is placed on the staff, the lower its pitch. His name is: Johann Strauss Jr. Also, the majority of experiments used students as participants, which raise issues of a biased sample. This composition represents A young man, Luke, and woman, Heather Clarke, make eye contact in the hallway of a hotel. 3 in E-flat major, Op. Emma is caught by Weston, who is shot by a local policewoman later revealed to be working with the mysterious "Roderick". During the Middle Ages, what might a musician in a monastery or cathedral do? Kyrie from Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass. False. :35, Which of the following describes this example? The police secure both Claire Matthews ( Natalie Zea ), Joe's ex-wife and mother of his son Joey ( Kyle Catlett) with whom Ryan had an . (player 5:37). Form can be defined as the constructive or organizing element in music. True The following excerpt represents melody by itself without harmonic accompaniment. Listen to the audio clip. The following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. Infamous serial killer Joe Carroll ( James Purefoy) escapes from prison and Ryan Hardy ( Kevin Bacon ), a retired F.B.I. A short, detached style of playing or singing a melody is called. Jacob expresses a desire to leave his cult life behind, but Emma kills him before he can do so. Polyphonic music was not always based on Gregorian chant; Composers used drinking songs and imitated birdcalls in their works. The two most important geographical areas in the development of music during the Renaissance were. Renaissance artists didnt really care very much if their works appealed to the public at large; they were more concerned about the "purity" of their music. 5 Views. Parallel organum developed into true polyphony, with two or more independent melodic lines. Carlos runs to another hotel room where a woman, Gisele, answers the door and lets him in. Top rated: 4 Lowest rating: 2 Summary: Articles about Music 152 & Harmony Final Test Answers - Quizzma The most salient compositional aspect of the following excerpt is: (00:35).Imitation between voices. Which of the following is a composition for the vihuela? 1:54. What is used to indicate the meter of a piece at the beginning of the staff? 67 LG 24_ MUL1010.pdf, Unit 1 DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT ready submitted.docx, budget much more reasonable for the reason that this made up many action, D11 Resuming a TSCC hunt channel When resuming a TSCC hunt channel the MS, Twitter is an excellent online discussion platform and an excellent online, 46 The Serbs seemed to have been bent on isolating themselves from within and on, so I just stood there listening to them quietly Here Bhanumati picked up the, Innervates the abductor muscles Medial muscles fof the leg Saitic nerve Deep of, I The I patient I demonstrates I some I discomfort I on I palpation I of I the I, 100 K Kempadoo Sexing the Caribbean 43 101 P Mohammed Unmasking Masculinity 56, 550 National Institute of Standards and Technology Report on the development of, It didnt come though Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared but no one, This must correspond with the timelines required in the 128rganizational, The distinctive character of the two procedures requires that the project be, Triangle Shirtwaist FireQuestion Sheet 1.1. Charlemagne The great European churches and cathedrals of the Medieval period were important to the development of Western music True Lonin and Protin were two composers associated with Notre Dame and the development of polyphony True The following composition is a work by: 6:03 A French troubador This excerpt is an example of 00:32 Stepwise melody with unstressed rhythms Which of the following was regarded as a leading composer of the Ars Nova style? Which of the following examples features melismatic singing? In effect, the novel masquerades as a real diary. dua to make someone love you like crazy. The voices constantly imitate each other. Which time period is generally considered the Renaissance period? Turner eventually finds Claire and takes her home, where she is upset that Emma escaped with Joey. . :39, The following excerpt is most likely from a(n) This excerpt most likely falls in the category of: (Play :17), A characteristic of this excerpt that suggests it is from a medieval Mass is: Many instruments come in different sizes, which means they have different. The Following: Created by Kevin Williamson. The sections where the march theme is heard played by the strings with no accompaniment is an example of __________ texture. Identify this composer. Which section of the orchestra is playing in this musical selection? True or false: Rhythm is a part of life. Josquin's music was widely praised by music lovers; Martin Luther remarked that God has preached his Gospel through the music of Josquin Desprez; Josquin's masses, motets, and secular vocal works influenced other composers.Definition. Which of the following are characteristics of melody in Gregorian chant? Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? Please try out!" "I just don't have the time." Mayza responded sadly. Thomas Hart Benton was influential in Regionalism, a style of art that focused mostly on what?. Why was the music of the 14th century referred to as ars nova? Jordy says that he does not know where Joey is but that Kester's wife does because she helped plan the abduction, revealing Maggie to be involved. (player 3:13). The three main types of musical texture are monophonic, homophonic, and. The Five was a group of nationalist composers who sought to incorporate elements of ______________ in their work. Mayza looked up to see the track coach standing over her. How did the city of New York memorialize those that died in the fire?What impact did this have on the citizens of New York? Music created in medieval Europe and later can come alive and be reproduced today thanks to. Claire is abducted by Carroll's followers, but Hardy and Parker refuse to let her go without a fight. Ryan notices that Claire has been tracked by Roderick as they prepare for his arrival. How does the texture in the second listening clip differ from the first? It remains in the same key as the A section. and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony. Which group was credited with inventing the recitative? What is the texture when there is a melody accompanied by chords? She asks to see her son but Joe refuses, which causes Claire to storm off. Therefore, It is a true statement that the following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. How were instruments of the Renaissance typically used in performances of that era? It is also revealed that Agent Parker grew up in a cult with her parents, leading to her expert knowledge of the subject. Tones of different pitch; the simultaneous combination of two or more sounds, The playing of the tones of a chord in rapid succession rather than simultaneously, The following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. They start off the piece, and are repeated throughout. According to the text, which of the following are Post-Romantic composers? In an AABA song like Arlen's Over the Rainbow, part B adds ________ to the song. The texts known as the mass ordinary has what characteristic? Kester arrives, ready to flee with Maggie. In this performance, the accompaniment is played by a vielle, which is a medieval _____ instrument. Concentration on vocal music during the Renaissance period meant that instrumental music continued to be used as mere accompaniment for voices. Example 19: Diminished Fifth,Vol. (:30), The repeated rhythm pattern is part of the accompaniment, Listen to the following selection. Knowing that it is only a matter of time before Carroll finds her, Hardy must outsmart a group of followers and move Claire to a safe place. The course places the Romantic period in music between the years: A musical genius, but also someone with strong anti-Semitic views, the man pictured above was one of the most influential composers of the Romantic Period. Which of the following composers envisioned operas as "musical dramas"a combination of all the arts? [player 3:02], The dynamics of this excerpt indicate that it was composed in the Romantic period because: A string [ ] is composed of two violins, one viola, and a cello. [3], "Live+7 DVR Ratings: 'Modern Family' Has Biggest 18-49 Ratings Gain, 'Beauty & the Beast' Tops Percentage Gains & 'The Blacklist' Leads in Total Viewer Increase in Week 17",, This page was last edited on 2 March 2022, at 15:02. Answer: Excerpt B 00:39 Listen to this music example and answer the following question: Who would be a likely composer for this work? Although the violin is mostly a single melody instrument, violinists can also play chords using an instrumental technique known as: Melodic sequence, successive repetition of musical idea at higher or lower pitches. Which of the following was regarded as a leading composer of the Ars Nova style? "I thought we could be in this together. Play :32 It has irregular rhythms. After killing Louise, Ryan gets into a confrontation with Amanda, who tells Ryan he needs to be punished for sleeping with Joe's wife. A young girl, Mandy Lang, screams to a man named "Daryl" to come look at the news report on television about the subway murders. False. We were the second largest port in England, Though John was the primary composer of this song, it also features a lopsided rhythm with syncopation likely conceived by Paul three-part harmony arranged by George Martin George's, Prior to the Beatles 1964 visit to America, the group visited France, where they 1 recorded French versions of five Beatles songs 2 vacationed in the Southern wine region of the country 3. There is imitation between individual voices; it is mainly polyphonic; there is imitation between pairs of voices. For what voices/instruments were madrigals written? FEEDBACK: See p. 139 1 / 1 pts Question 2 Listen to the following two excerpts from Handel's Messiah. Which of the following are correct statements about the scales known as church modes? agent responsible for capturing Joe, is pulled back into the field to assist the manhunt. Gregorian chants are sacred texts or prayers set to music; Gregorian chant enhances religious services, including prayers and rituals; Gregorian chant is monophonic, or sung without accompaniment. (:07), The following excerpt represents polyphonic texture. This instrument, which was very popular during the Renaissance, is called a: According to the text, the Renaissance period was known as: The following example is played on an instrument that was very popular during the Renaissance. The symphony had its origins in the overture, which was the introductory music for Italian opera. Answer: Today, the general trend is towards an increasing use of dissonance. What creates a sense of directed motion for melody in baroque music? The following composition is a work by: :52. This music example illustrates a chord played one note after another. There may be other movements, some of which may introduce soloists. When a note is emphasized more than others, usually by being played louder, is called a (n) accent. Claire willingly gives herself up to Roderick, but not before she and Ryan reaffirm their love for each other. Which of the following statements about Hildegard of Bingen are true? Which of the following was NOT known as a composer of choral music? Which of the following trends in contemporary music does this excerpt exemplify? (player 3:11). The sacred text and overall musical style of this example suggests that it is part of a/an: During the early Renaissance, what was characteristic of instrumental music? Nadia Boulanger was a prominent music teacher who taught some of the most influential composers of the 20th century, including Aaron Copland, Philip Glass, and Walter Piston. He traveled on military campaigns and on visits to royal courts; he was a church official; he served King John of Bohemia. What is the term for three or more tones sounded together? This is referred to as "spreading apart the alternatives. Listen to the audio clip. Listen to the audio clip. 40, No. . The Following. ) His wife, Maggie (Virginia Kull) is found by Hardy and his team and brought in for questioning. According to Monteverdi, what is the difference between prima practica and seconda practica? Which one of these composers was considered a national hero in his homeland? The Renaissance period saw inventions and developments that: Changed the physical and intellectual landscape of Europe. While Claire tries to escape with Joey, they are blocked by various followers and Roderick puts an ankle monitor on her. The great European churches and cathedrals of the Medieval period were important to the development of Western music. :38. True Two simultaneous pitches of the same letter name and pitch e. Now up your study game with Learn mode. The following excerpt is an example of ritardando. Ryan later returns to Lily's hospital room to check in with her and apologize for the incident, believing it to be his fault that she was attacked. :47. Beethoven. Overcome with pain and frustration, Carroll calls Hardy and informs him that he plans to kill Claire, finally accepting he'll never get her to love him again. (player 4:32), The following excerpt has smooth melodies that imitate one another on entrances. During the Classical period, opera buffa (comic opera) plots were based on myths and historical figures. From the following composers, select the one that best understood the intrinsic nature and potential of the piano as an expressive instrument: The following choral work, based on the German Bible, was written by: Which of the following forms is not based on the principle of repetition? Throughout the papers, the idea of that more perfect union occupies center stage. Carlos manages to escape, but Ryan chases after him and is hit by a car in the street, though he gets up and continues his chase. (player 10:26), What element of the musical style of the following piece indicates that it is from the Renaissance period rather than the Medieval period? The following musical excerpt represents strophic form. Paul is quoted as saying that George Martin's ________ gave him a sense of responsibility and composure and helped Martin "deal with us when we got out of line". The added melodic line in early organum was improvised, and only later written down; early organum was a Gregorian chant with a second melodic line on top, As with many earlier music, the instruments used to play this estample or other dance music were. :47, Which statement reflects the musical features of the following music example? According to the text, composers of the Romantic period were reluctant to stray from the seven tones of the traditional scale (i.e., A, B, C, D, E, F, G). In contrast to the Renaissance, where vocal and choral music took center stage, instrumental music established itself as the most significant genre of the Baroque period. What is Machaut's love song, "Puis qu'en oubllo sui de vous," based on his poems, about? How is Cognitive Dissonance Resolved? Which of the following were important composers in the Medieval period? "I am trying to keep my grades up. Which of the following statements about secular music in Paris in the Middle Ages are accurate? Ryan Hardy, now sober and healthy, and living in New York City and teaching college students, shows up to work and is met by FBI agents. Back at his house, he enters a passcode-locked room with pictures and files from the case of Carroll's cult pinned all over the walls. MethodFemale students volunteered to take part in a discussion on the psychology of sex. Which of the following correctly describes this excerpt from the Pope Marcellus mass? Two simultaneous pitches of the same letter name and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony. 16:54. (:46), Which of the following excerpts has a fast tempo? (play :17), This excerpt is an example of a medieval religious type of composition known as, plainsong, plainchant, or Gregorian chant, The melody of this example suggest that it is from sacred music of the Medieval period because "Mayza," she said, "I saw you at the practice run yesterday, and I was very impressed with your ability. Identify the opera in question. After being recognized at a police station by Weston, Roderick is forced to go on the run, and his disagreements with Joe come to a head when he abducts Joey as "insurance" against Carroll and the FBI. Using a slide tube to change the length of tube through which air vibrates; Varying lip tension while blowing in a mouthpiece; Using valves to change the length of tube through which air vibrates. Which 8th- and 9th-century ruler had a profound influence on Church music? A melody consists of a succession of: Pitches. Humans can only "fully become" by exploring their inner feelings. Read the following story excerpt and answer the question that follows: "Nope, I am not going to try out for the track team," Mayza told her friend. As Hardy and Parker become frustrated with having to play office politics whilst conducting a manhunt, Carroll's plans escalate even further as he puts its next stage into action. Which of the following is not part of the Ordinary of the Catholic Mass? An important innovation at the School of Notre Dame between 1170 and 1200 was the use of ________ rhythm. List the point of entry, stasis, inciting incident, at least 3 rising action events leading to t Fell free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message. Dufay Which of the following examples features melismatic singing? During the Baroque period, the term sonata was used for musical works __________. Ryan then receives a call from Joe who informs Ryan his story is not done yet. They quickly identify the prison warden as the likely culprit, learning that his daughter has disappeared without explanation. [player 2:35], The following difficult piece for the violin was written by one of the few musicians of the time who could play it. (play :25). A multi-movement sacred work for soloist and choir intended for a concert performance, A piece for solo instrument or a small group of instruments, A piece that contrasts a solo instrument with an ensemble. In general, operatic arias of the Romantic period, for example those by Giacomo Puccini (1858-, 1924), provide good examples of homophonic, Musical texture refers to how melody and harmony, Which of the following terms does not refer to a, The musical texture that consists of a single, Which Classical genre is represented by this. Which of the following choices is the defining characteristic of polyphony? According to the text, art of the Romantic period valued emotional restraint and clarity of form. :40. True From the Classical period onwards, sonata-allegro form was replaced by other forms as the basis for most instrumental music. The two finally discover Parker's location, but they arrive too late and find Parker has suffocated. A year after the anniversary of the supposed death of Joe Carroll, individuals wearing masks of Carroll's face appear on a New York City Subway car and stab everyone on the train to death, except one woman, who escapes after being stabbed in the arm once. This music example illustrates a chord played one, Consonant harmonies usually provide a feeling of, The following excerpt represents melody by itself, The following excerpt represents melody with, Which of the following types of texture does it, Which of the following choices is the defining, This music passage is an example of: (:16), The following excerpt represents monophonic, The following excerpt represents polyphonic, This piece of music is a good example of: (:20), The following music excerpt features: (:17), This music excerpt is an example of: (:31), The following excerpt represents homophonic. The creation of music as it is being performed is called, The property of sound that refers to how long a musical sound lasts is called. Identify this composer. Institute a mistake? Which of the following is a distinguishing characteristic of sacred music from the Medieval period? Your username and password for GeorgiaView is the same as your DSC e-mail and Roadrunner Portal login. It is in a different major key than the A section. He manages to have an informative conversation with Claire, before Paul pulls him away from the phone. The name of the composer pictured above, who wrote more than 600 art songs (lieder), is: During the Romantic period, most composers were: Independent business persons, earning their living by performing music, writing music for specific occasions and commissions, and collecting royalties on published music. :22. Consonance creates a sense of suspense that is only resolved with dissonance. His disappointment after being forgotten by the young girl he loved, A Chantar is an example of a love song sung by a. false. Which statements best describe the recording? Claire is forced to have dinner with Joe. Joe questions what motivated Ryan into saving people and discovers it was because of his father's death. Most of the notated music that survives from the Medieval period is secular in nature. When Carroll's son Joey (Kyle Catlett) is abducted by his father's followers, the FBI discovers that it is the first step in a wider plan for Carroll to escape custody, humiliate Hardy, and be reunited with his ex-wife Claire (Natalie Zea). Meanwhile, Joe has hit a roadblock with his book as he struggles to understand what motivates Hardy, and takes Jacob and Vincent to kill the militia leader before he can talk. (:11), The following example features a steady pulse played by the bass. Flexible and free flowing; has no meter or evident beat; written in imprecise notation. Dissonance can be reduced in one of three ways: a changing existing beliefs, b adding new beliefs, or c reducing the importance of the beliefs. They remain the same every day throughout the year. A unifying factor for social, political, and cultural life in the Medieval period was.. Which of the following statements best describes the music in this audio recording? (:09). (:59), Which excerpt suggests a weak beat? It differed from opera in previous periods because 94 Surprise, II and more. That was first recognized by the 19th-century German scientist and philosopher Herman von Helmholtz. Mike is held hostage by Joe while Debra is held by Jacob. Musical texture refers to how melody and harmony relate to each other. The following excerpt is from Chopins Revolutionary tude. Jacob and Emma are reunited, but the meeting turns sour. Which one of the following pairs of words or phrases represents the two main concepts behind Baroque music? Luke proceeds to backhand Carlos' throat. Which of the following describes the harmony in this excerpt? Meanwhile, the FBI look inward, investigating the connection between one of their own safehouses and a crime committed by a member of Carroll's cult. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. This is a motet on the Latin prayer "Ave Maria" with polyphonic imitation. It has several notes per syllable. strict religious upbringing, Singing School is related to _____ ? (:28) false. Which of the following is not an overture by Beethoven: Which of the following were important composers of the Classical period? answer. Mayza looked up at her. Vowel sounds are often held for longer durations when singing; Singing typically uses a wider range of pitches than speaking; Singing typically uses a wider range of expressive dynamics than speaking. false. His name is: Which of the following excerpts features frequently changing tempos? Not even if they are several agents in the same spot. Hardy, Parker, and Weston seek out a militia leader with ties to Carroll's cult. ers job and responsibilities are in general, then describe what you would do if you designed this show. There are two lower voices. The following excerpt is dissonant because it contains elements that are in conflict with one another. However, dissonance doesn't always need to be resolved, and the perception of chords as dissonant tends to be subjective. Listen to the following two excerpts from Handels. Agent Reilly reads the message to Maggie out loud that says "now", and she fatally stabs him. The following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. There had to be a way to make Italian performers incorporate dynamic changes in their playing. With Ryan arriving in time to call an ambulance, he learns that now bedridden Weston not only knows Claire's location, but is the only one who does.
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