a) Perceived equity of rewards does not impact the performance/satisfaction relationship A) temperament. B) heredity; large family size 1) Dr. Padin refers to one of his patients in terms of early-appearing, stable individual differences in reactivity and self-regulation. A) she uses social referencing to comfort Amy. O b. Quiz 2 Question 1 Which of the following statements is true regarding deep acting? A) It taps only a small number of attachment-related behaviors. b. emotional lack of control B) a sense of humor. B) the fear of falling. B) infant mental test scores and preschool IQ. C) better than; positive affect All of the following statements about emotion regulation are true EXCEPT: Group of answer choices Reappraisal and suppression can decrease amygdala activity in response to negative situations Reappraisal and suppression can decrease insula activity in response to negative situations Reappraisal and . \hline \text { 5. A. 1) Thirty-five percent of children do not fit into any of the Thomas and Chess temperament categories. Which work attitude reflects feelings that the job serves one's financial, developmental, and professional interests? [ ] A Emotions have delicate influence on fellow humans B Children like copying the actions of the fellow humans C Scientists are still confused about contagious yawning D People tend to communicate more with body language d. do speak up when an issue is important to you, c. do say everything that is on your mind. b) counterproductive workplace behaviors Indonesia8. D) delayed social-referencing skills. 1) Twin comparisons reveal that the heritability of attachment is 1) Compared with North American Caucasian infants, Chinese and Japanese babies The nurse is caring for a client with dementia. a. a. we choose to love the wrong person c. deciding to forgive This gene-environment interaction only occurred when: B. mothers showed a low level of responsiveness toward their infants. b) acknowledged; affective The client's brain images show atrophy of cerebral neurons and enlargement of the 3 and 4 ventricles. Which one of the following statements is true about emotions? __________ is the realization of sorrow over having done something morally, socially, or ethically wrong. In which of the following is Sarah engaging in? B) more upset when frustrated. feelings based on information external to themselves. which of the following statements about emotions are true. Emotional dissonance 1) One criticism of home research observations of temperament is that Production of a dollar's worth of natural gas requires inputs of $0.30\$ 0.30$0.30 from electricity, $0.10\$ 0.10$0.10 from natural gas, and $0.20\$ 0.20$0.20 from oil. - Purchased merchandise on account from American Tools, $1,230.00. a) characteristics of the job, job demands, and emotional labor requirements. B) wait to intervene until she has become extremely agitated. 1) Emotional self-regulation requires D) African-American, 1) In a German study, fathers' __________ predicted children's secure internal working models of attachment during middle childhood and adolescence. B) "attachment-in-the-making" b) Guilt A) Moods and emotions are independent of the personality of the individuals. The five facets of job satisfaction measured by the Job Descriptive Index are __________. d) Social emotions and self-conscious emotions come from internal sources. Correct answers: 2 question: Which one of the following statements is true about emotions? 1) Most neurobiological research has focused on children who fall at opposite extremes of the __________ and __________ dimensions of temperament. C) Managers have tried to create emotion-free organizations. D) the researchers are often biased. \hline \text { 7. B) they are inconvenient for researchers to administer. In __________, the self automatically excludes threatening or painful thoughts and feelings from awareness. e) Deep acting is trying to modify your true inner feelings based on your personal standards for behavior. Stress, or the body's response to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional response, is always bad for the individual. \text{New building permits} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\ C) read and respond contingently and sympathetically to her emotional cues. B) disorganized/disoriented a) organizational citizenship behaviors D) Japanese. B) Raja, a sociable and assertive child B) Engage the child in eye contact, smile, and point to the toy. b) Surface acting is trying to modify your true inner feelings based on display rules. e) citizenship behavior. c. do what is right for you e) A mood is likely to be directed at a specific person or event. c) supervisor's directives, emotional labor requirements, and co-worker involvement. c.) Cognitive empathy Turkey5. Emotional intelligence includes all the following factors EXCEPT: According to EI, the ability to think before acting and to control disruptive impulses is. d) organizational citizenship e) co-worker involvement, subordinate support, and emotional labor requirements. C) It comprises a person's ability to detect others' and one's own feelings. page 169, 30. C) self-conscious emotions are integrated with inner standards of excellence and good behavior. D) Fathers and mothers in Western nations tend to play in similar ways with their children, providing toys and playing gentle conventional games. D) attachment. Thailand10. page 165, 23. C) Crying b. men are more likely than women to express positive emotions If a resident of a 400400400-student dormitory hears a rumor that there is a case of TB on campus, then P=400P=400P=400 and, dxdt=0.0001x(400x)x(0)=1\frac{dx}{dt}=0.0001x(400-x)\qquad x(0)=1 1- Which of the following statements is true about emotions and moods? C) effortful control. Ethiopia5. Mr. and Mrs. D) As we grow old; Which of the following statements is true regarding sources of moods and emotions? e) Believing there is a direct connection between one's work and one's pay. B) children's goals and experiences have only a minimal impact on emotional development. 1) John Bowlby's theory of attachment was inspired by studies of a) values and attitudes. b) skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback D) 3 to 6 years. Based on research, which of the following suggestions would you give the Yoto's? D) Eighteen-month-old Samuel, who prefers crackers to broccoli, will offer Miss Kennelly crackers. 1) Three-month-old Tara displays excitement when she first reaches for and grabs a rattle. Italy7. A) the results are often too subjective. b. forgive yourself B) Many parents think that their children's child-care experiences are higher in quality than they really are. C) 50 Guatemala8. A) react angrily or aggressively. A) develop a secure attachment to the nurse-caregiver. d. suppress the feeling, 18. Which of the following statements concerning behavioral expressions of emotion is not true? 1) Obert shows a sharp increase in EEG brain-wave activity in the right hemisphere after seeing a classmate crying. D) parental IQ. d. all of the above, 31. a. sign up for on-line dating, join dating chat rooms, attend a "fast track" dating session B) 4 to 7 C) a sense of self-efficacy. They are emotions that are present in humans and other animals B. D) do not experience separation anxiety when separated from their parents. By age 3, capacity for self-regulation predicts Emotions are generally classified as positive or negative. D) lower their cortisol levels. D) irritable distress. A) his fear has persisted for over a week. Emotions, if poorly managed, can impair learning. C) operant conditioning. a) Personal aggression c. emotional debt Marisol shares a nurse-caregiver with ten other infants. B) happiness D) separation protests decline. b) Self-conscious emotions come from external sources. Intense or strong emotions might feel similar whether they are positive or negative. D) of authoritative parents, 1) At what age do children begin to engage in social referencing? Learn more from brainly.com/question/17762843 A) stranger anxiety. D) Laughter. C) middle childhood 1) In adopted children with longer institutional stays, the volume of the __________ is atypically __________. D) the maternal waltz, 1) Research indicates that attachment security is more likely when the interactional synchrony between adult and infant reflects __________ coordination. D) infants come into the world with a repertoire of basic and self-conscious emotions. None of these statements about emotions are false. 1) Colin is a highly active preschooler. C) preoccupied e) Known; found. a) Intimidation e) landscapers, ______________ is an inconsistency between the emotions we actually feel and the emotions we try to project. 1) Toddlers in Western cultures who sleep alone and experience frequent daytime separations from their parents a) Matt will work beyond expectations to complete a special project. D) became more extreme in disposition over time. e) reporting negative emotions to the corporate office, d) very sensitive to the display of emotions in foreign cultures, _________ rules are the informal standards which govern the degree to which it is appropriate for people from different cultures to show their emotions similarly. B) launches the parent-child relationship on a positive path that is likely to continue. A) an understanding of basic emotions. Assuming no other changes in accumulated other comprehensive income, determine (a) other comprehensive income for 2020, (b) comprehensive income for 2020, and (c) accumulated other comprehensive income at December 31, 2020. A) 1 to 6 months c) Rewards cause both job satisfaction and performance. a) emphasize emotions, along with more cognitive aspects in performing their jobs e) The "happiness" category may contain pride and self-worth. D) the stability of attachment. 1. A) attention span and persistence. b) counterproductive 1) Cross-cultural evidence reveals that people around the world d) job commitment behaviors \hline \text { 6. e) Affective Events Theory extends understanding of people's moods on the job and why job satisfaction is decreasing. Culture affects the way that one regulates emotion. In the morning, her mother said, "Wetting the bed is bad. 1) Gains in __________ during the second year lead to new ways of regulating emotion. 19. B) It subsides as the new mother adjusts to hormonal changes in her body. Iran8. Weidner Company sells 22,000 units at $30 per unit. Brenda's inability to learn to calm herself may be a result of parents who A) Mira, who is a Buddhist B) avoidant e) Employee engagement. Which of the following is helpful when assisting a grieving friend? Thailand } \\ b. everyone experiences stages of grief c) cognitive dissonance. It is possible to experience several different emotions at the same time. a. emotions can be triggered by events. C) Bev, who does not frequently talk about feelings or emotions with her child Taking care of yourself means you are taking care of your physical, emotional, social, and mental health. 1) Baby Hugo readily turns away from a highly stimulating novel event and engages in self-soothing. C) self-efficacy. B) have a higher rate of secure attachment than infants informally cared for by relatives, friends, and babysitters. e) The surprise category may contain concern and wonder. c. learn what love is, get out there, forgive your past relationships, move on C) smile, laugh, and cry more frequently. A) social skills Certification . B) motor development This type of cry indicates that Trey is: A mother hands her baby a rattle, saying, "Here you are." Affective C) secure 1) In one study, the combination of __________ and __________ increased the likelihood of insecure attachment at 12 months. d) brick layers B) maturity level. Which of the following statements about emotions is FALSE? a) developing new ways of explaining the inconsistency. D) late childhood and adolescence, 1) Twin studies reveal that empathy is __________ heritable. (a) Conflict arising from personality differences between team members can hurt team performance (b) Highly effective teams do. An emoticon (/ m o t k n /, -MOH-t-kon, rarely / m t k n /, ih-MOTT-ih-kon), short for "emotion icon", also known simply as an emote, [citation needed] is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using charactersusually punctuation marks, numbers, and lettersto express a person's feelings, mood or reaction, or as a time-saving method. Which of the following statements is true about conflict in teams? O c. Emotions are influenced by biological foundations and experiences. C) 35 to 40 c) Emotions are arguably more fleeting than moods. The effects of a change in one of these factors on the current account balance cannot be predicted without considering the effect on the other causal factors. \hline \text { 8. Emotion and Motivation can run on their own. The James-Lange theory is the most accepted theory of emotion today. e) Organizational citizenship, The extent to which an individual is dedicated to a job is known as __________. According to Cline (2002) love becomes a problem when: A) take longer to soothe themselves when upset. e) Satisfaction causes performance, b) Performance accomplishment lead to rewards that lead to satisfaction. d. emotional immaturity, 33. A) About 3 to 5 percent of fathers report symptoms after the birth of a child. The emotional effects of anxiety may include "feelings of apprehension or dread, trouble concentrating, feeling tense or jumpy, anticipating the worst, irritability, restlessness, watching (and waiting) for signs (and occurrences) of danger, and, feeling like your mind's gone blank" [29] as well as "nightmares/bad dreams, obsessions about Emotional intelligence agencies d) affective; behavioral d. the role of culture is only important if the individual has an internal locus of control, b. culture plays a key role in moderating our expression of emotion. d) The frequency and intensity of emotions has been shown to vary across cultures. C) higher their cortisol levels. e) The magnitude of the person's agreeableness; the magnitude of the person's self-efficacy, b) The degree of a person's perceived control over the situation; the magnitude of the rewards involved, ________ is the degree of loyalty an individual feels toward the organization. D) two emotions cannot really occur at once. e) job satisfaction. The ability to regulate emotions is present at birth. A worker who smiles at a customer even when he doesn't feel like it is deep acting. B) Fourteen-month-old Jake, who prefers broccoli to crackers, will offer Miss Kennelly crackers. Explanation: The emotion is a set of biological states and is associated with the nervous system. b) Performance accomplishment lead to rewards that lead to satisfaction China } & \text { 5. Of the following, which is one of the six major categories of emotions identified by researchers? In the shorthand technique for expressing your feelings, you are encouraged to: Which of the following is not an aspect of Emotional intelligence? 1) According to the dynamic systems perspective, India8. Ethiopia } \\ Mexico4. D) very high. b) Attitudes are acquired from the same sources as values. c. Is it worth taking action? A) stranger anxiety. B) dismissive c) Internal; external France8. In the Affective Events Theory, the term "work environment" can involve the following subcategories: How we think has little or no effect on how we feel. a) home effects a) A positive or negative mood can influence emotions. D) highly distractible. D) anger. EgyptNuts1. C) social referencing A) a lack of empathy for another's emotional needs. (a) Emotions are caused by specific events. C) social referencing. D. They involve the emotional reactions of others when they are generated. An emotion is referred to as anything that does motivates an individual. a) work environment. C) Authoritative parents tend to discourage emotional expression in their children. 1) Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning emotions? A) mother's feedback. There are no differences in the perception of a happy facial expression across cultures. Basic human emotions are the joy, and the fear, sadness, and disgust and the anger all of them are basic and are universal and also being intellectual. 1) Research on the Aka of Central Africa reveals that a strong father-infant relationship is due in great part to a(n) C) temperament. a) construction workers The proportion of body fat is identical for girls and boys. b.) Which of the following statements provides an accurate description of the attitude-behavior linkage? c. feeling powerful and in control C) lower; irritability; agreeability 1) Which of the following children is likely to display the most intense anger reaction? C) It subsides as the new mother gains confidence in caring for her baby. Chapter 10: Emotional DevelopmentQUESTION 11. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. a. \hline \text { 9. e) Managers should consider satisfaction and performance to be two completely independent work results. 1) Baby Brenda is an anxious, emotionally reactive child with a reduced capacity for regulating emotion. Which of the following statements are true regarding emotions and gender? b. repression Give an example of each type of emotion. page 172. D) exhibit defiance and disobedience in middle childhood. d. all of the above, 32.A condition of imbalance in which feelings are trapped instead of expressed is a definition of: B) empathy. A) Protect him from minor stresses and teach him to retreat from unfamiliar situations. A) 1 to 3 iv. e) culture. (b) Emotions last longer than moods. Name the theorist who suggested that the primary task for infants was to develop a sense of trust in others. A) Ecological systems c. the ability to use information about your own and other's emotions to guide your thinking and actions c) business models. D) highly. e) Matt will never leave his company to pursue another position. Justin Cooper preached a message entitled "The Abomination of Assimilation" during the Wednesday Evening service on March 1, 2023, at North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, California. A) encouraging daily contact with kittens to alleviate her fear. Which of the following statements is true about emotions? A) Fourteen-month-old Reese, who prefers crackers to broccoli, will offer Miss Kennelly broccoli. e) an individual's feelings based on information internal and external to himself or herself, b) an individual's feelings based on information external to himself or herself. Option A. 1) Accordingly to Thomas and Chess, which dimension of temperament reflects the amount of friendly, joyful behavior as opposed to unpleasant, unfriendly behavior? b. 1) Paternal availability to children is fairly similar across SES and ethnic groups, with one exception: __________ fathers spend more time engaged. dtdx=0.0001x(400x)x(0)=1, where ttt is time (in minutes). D) cry inconsolably and blame others for his situation. a) Work events include job demands and daily hassles. Jorge's temperament is classified as Turkey } & \text { 4. 1) During Bowlby's "attachment-in-the-making" phase, c. the role of culture and emotion is minimal b) counterproductive behaviors 1) Which of the following insecure attachment classifications is as stable as secure attachment? \hline \text { 2. A) About 3 to 5 percent of fathers report symptoms after the birth of a child. Title Page i. C) culture. June is exhibiting page 161, 15. The six major categories of emotions identified by researchers are. D) Aina will probably shy away from adult attention. b. learning to forgive and forget D) guilt. c) Deep acting and surface acting are two terms reflecting ways of dealing with emotional dissonance. e.) Emotional intelligence, _________ is the ability to feel what the other person is experiencing. There are a variety of ways to lessen stress in the workplace. C) have a lower rate of secure attachment than infants informally cared for by relatives, friends, and babysitters. b. identify your feelings c.) Cognitive c) The type and duration of emotions are consistent across cultures. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. b) The relationship between general attitudes and behavior is stronger than the relationship between specific attitudes and behaviors. A) Emotions are learned behaviors. b. be a better listener 1) Infants of depressed mothers This reaction is probably a response to Empathy is the ability to make someone feel differently than what they should. Which of the following is true of the term EI? 3. D) he is only afraid of birds in specific situations, such as when playing soccer outside. e) autonomy, relationships with peers, relationships with superiors, feedback, and the work itself, a) the work itself, quality of supervision, relationships with co-workers, promotion opportunities, and pay, The flip side of organizational citizenship are__________. b) Believing one's opinions count. B) problem-centered coping. d) Self-conscious; social EconomicVariableLeadingLaggingCoincidentNewbuildingpermitsStockmarketMoneysupplyPrimeinterestrateConsumerpricesIndustrialproductionPersonalwages/salaries\begin{array}{l l l} She told her roommate, "Oh, I just don't have the energy to do much today; I've felt down all week." b. fear Emotions are unrelated to either attention or memory. C) fearful distress B) have abnormally low cortisol levels. 52. B) Results cannot be used to determine real-life interventions for insecure children. Hugo is probably What is the cause of dementia in this client? d) Stealing money a. the ability to monitor, access, express, and regulate one's own emotions From these conditions, it can be shown that x(t)x(t)x(t) is the logistic growth function, x(t)=4001+399e0.4tx(t)=\frac{400}{1+399e^{-0.4t}} Use the following table, which shows the top A) low-SES D) compliance. A) joint attention. Emotions are seldom influenced by biological foundations and experiences. O c. Emotions are influenced by biological foundations and experiences. The baby makes repeated attempts through facial expressions, vocalizations, and body movements to gain her attention, all to no avail. Miss Kennelly shows 14- and 18-month-olds broccoli and crackers. This is an example of a(n) __________. 1) At the park, 13-month-old Felix wanders toward other toddlers, returns to his father, interacts briefly with a preschooler, and then returns to his father. Which of the following statements about emotions is true? C) she becomes overwhelmed by others' distress. B) Israeli kibbutz c) Self-conscious emotions come from internal sources. D) different cultural beliefs and practices. UnitedStates3. D) from a high-SES family with many children. Indonesia } \\ Which one of the following statements about emotions is true? d) Personal predispositions include personality and mood. Which of the following statements about emotions is NOT true? B) Caucasian B) fear D) moderate, 1) Compared with infants who display __________ attachment, __________ babies tend to receive overstimulating care.
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