I was surprised to find out I dont struggle breathing at higher altitudes. I also find, via genealogy research, that I have Basque ancestry (via Portugal, Quebec, Canada to Northern NT State . The author of Hebrews was saying that through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, he destroyed the power of death. The cobra/sphinx head of many Egyptian statues and art pieces speaks to the reptilian influence, and its also mimicked by the British noble advisors or whoever is around the queen, who wear the old white wigs which have slightly triangular silhouettes. Doubt if that has anything to do with RH factor though Im open minded about it. It is believed that the Rh-negative blood type is of unknown origin. Then the LORD said, My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of man and they bore children to them. Have not been sick have not had covid. This is my declaration for you; I pray that all the blessings of God in your life will be fulfilled in Jesus name. We feed off of each others energy. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. Today, we know that it is more likely for people with an Rh Negative blood type to have a combination of genetic health conditions. You will need to be cautious each time you are pregnant. Mary Queen of Scots was related to French Royalty and nobility. Word Biblical Commentary. Hey Yvette, just wanted to hello and thank you for commenting. Didnt see a doctor as I never had difficulties with other pregnancies. I can now have one glass of milk every month without getting a headache. RH-factor is crucial in blood. The Rh factor in our blood is named after the Rhesus Monkey, which, like all other primates, only contains the Positive factor, although there is a tiny fraction of the population with a peculiar oddity. For surely it is not angels that he helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham. from. hardly get sick. Lacking Rh factor canlead to problems especially incases where blood transfusion or organ transplant is needed urgently. Definitely nomadic, love people but fine being alone. Mother was fair, blonde hair, green eyes. So you are right; you are the sheep who hear His voice, and follow Him. very interesting information. I have RH neg. had the covid shot. I have always had stomach issues my entire life, just the past 2 years my stomach has been good. Never ever get sick and never take meds. Only 15% of the world's population has Rh negative blood. Revelations.org is an online bible portal for understanding, interpreting and educating the world about bible content. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Where should you get your ancestry tested? Nothing is live and nothing is what you learn on TV. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed. In Northern Spain and Southern France. You seem to have such knowledge! Rh Negative blood has been mislabeled, on line, as diseased blood NOT SO. They are termed "Rh- positive.". Rh negative blood starts from a variety in the RHD gene. I find that hard to believe because to me it would seem that Rh-Positive people would be related to the Neanderthals. Ive only had one major disease, breast cancer and its not hereditary. I believe that the rhesus factor is the Mark of Cain; an animal protein that was placed into him to mark him out as a murderer and a criminal. The function of this protein was not immediately apparent, and there is a great deal of speculation on the implications of being Rh-negative versus Rh-positive. This happened on the 17th of the month, hence why the number 17 is so important to them. I also have a great nose and I can tell a false person a mile off , most are ,so it makes for easier life not to bother with them x, I agree we all seem to have these things in common. I would be very interested in that, too. Here is the truth about what the Bible said about the fallen angels: In other words, fallen angels are not able to turn back to God and be forgiven because they already know him and have chosen to reject him. There's the God of Truth and the god of lies in it, as it is in everything in the world until the last day. Matthew 26:28 for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. Good luck!! Rh factor isn't indicated in this study. I know we see things differently than a lot of people. (Assess the Claims). You shouldnt be quick to generalise and judge others, thats youre ego talking. Thorough, about 40 45% of Europeans have the Rh-negative grouponly about 3% of African descendants and about 1% of Asians. We Believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. Yes. So it is not a silly question. Rh neg and never sick, and a fear of heights, too. The result could be a dead baby, and if not the first pregnancy, it builds up to kill the next. There are very few differences. That is the case with my grandmother and I. Everyone around me has had covid but me. This explains the weakness in Rhesus negative people against several types of diseases and illnesses. AB+ is the universal receiver from all blood types. Revelaltions.org is an online bible portal for understanding, interpreting and educating the world about bible content. I agree, I am O Negative, have had measles, mumps, chickenpox as a child, never vaccinated for anything other than Tetanus. For this reason O Negative blood can be sent to anyone without antibodies to those parts going on. He received his green and valuable blood for the forgiveness of the sins of humankind. Darwin was a Christian. This could make one healthier. to learn more. RhoGAM is a shot given to pregnant people whose blood is negative for Rhesus factor (Rh) protein but who are carrying an Rh-positive fetus. Does anyone else have migraines? About 85% of Caucasians. Whats the difference between Rh-negative blood and Rh-positive blood and what exactly does it have to do with the Nephilim, angels, demons, and aliens? Add to this, the old churches with crosses on steeples and the bell towers with the church bells. This makes one believe Rh negative indicates the "presence of something rare in one's blood". Where is rh negative blood most frequent? While we may not have a specific verse that addresses the issue of RH negative blood and its implications, the bible offers important principles on the matter. Hebrews 9:22 And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. It will alter your dna. In situationswhere a couple have different rhesus factor blood types, it puts their children at risk. And I am a loner, too. RH-permanent, YES it isnt possible to change blood types. Which view relates to Rh-negative blood? Last time I donated. The Bible never mentions a specific blood type, such as A-Positive or O-Negative. Rh-negative. Ive looked into it and the best I can tell, actual ETs, reptilians specifically, are behind it. It is permanent. This mystery has puzzled investigators for years. Did read that RH- has lower risk with COVID. This is why nobody should take the vaccine, because it is not properly tested, and is issued only because C19 is supposed to have precipitated an emergency. 55 of those findings were diagnosable. Im 0 and Ive never Ben sick not even a cold ! Western Medicine has been rough on my body. A study published in late 2020 in Annals of Internal Medicine, revealed that people with type O or Rhnegative blood may be at slightly lower risk from COVID-19. All mammals, including people, have different blood types and usually, blood type is genetic. Considering how the RH negative factor is a very small portion of the general population of the world, this assembling is interesting. The ancient Sumerian statues show a lot of the reptilians. For the life of every creature is its blood., He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself., And to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel., Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus,, But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.. When these proteins do not interact, the individual is said to be a negative RH factor, and their blood type is classified as RH negative. So Rh + in no way means humans were crossed with Rhesus monkeys. Even today, a stout number of people. I have two sons RH+ and one RH- like me. Rh negative, Blue Blood, Aliens, Reptiles. This Hemolytic infection, an allergic response can produce death. Such a situation can provoke the mother's own blood to produce potentially lethal antibodies which are designed to attack the fetus' blood, if and when the former is exposed to the latter. You're more likely, though, to encounter the suggestion that Rh-negative blood makes its possessor superior to others. The blood group of Jesus was an HB. Cattle was a very important resource in Biblical times. Didnt know anything about my blood type till last year thanks to other negatives blogs. Where did you find that Rh negative blood is connected toJesus? I am 0- and I do have a fear of heights. Type O is the universal donor for all blood types. However, many Bible scholars speculate that the Nephilim, mentioned in the Bible in Numbers 13:33 and Genesis 6:1-8, had RH-negative blood. Hebrews 12:24 makes one such reference when it speaks about the blood of Jesus and Abel. In support of this interpretation is that hyperbole is used to describe the Israelites as grasshoppers in the second half of the verses. I think it has a lot to do with th neg I am the same dont need lot of friends and can also isolate myself no problem. This interbreeding occurred in offspring that were obtained. And more than half of the ABO blood groups were found to be the otherwise rare AB blood group. Thank you for the perspective! Anyone diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at an older age should demand the physician check out your pancreas, since late onset diabetes type 1 is associated with pancreatic cancer. . Though we were once fallen (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. 4 trips to the emergency room, but with the preventive maintenance so far under control as best, but heart still will beat out of rhythm then go back to normal, I really dont like it and cant drink any alcohol, that triggers it. Only child. When donkeys and horses are hybrid to produce mules. I think the rh- ppl actually mean they never or almost never get sick. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. Or possibly environmental. The mother's first child isn't at risk, but her second . I love the history that you gave about where the Rh-negative factor comes from. Several early Christian leaders like Justin Martyr, One possible reading of the Hebrew can mean that the, Human leaders are sometimes referred to as, It best fits the context of global judgment, Some important Christian theologians have held this view, including, Did fallen angels return to Earth and mate with people again. Does the Bible Say Not to Take Revenge? But not all humans were a result of interbreeding. At your first prenatal visit, your blood will be tested to determine your blood type and your Rh status.If you do have the Rh factor, as most people do, your status is Rh positive. It's always good to know your blood type, but particularly when you're pregnant. I am generally healthy with viruses but do have T2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and a fatty liver. The Bible uses blood to refer to animal sacrifices in the Old Testament But this is not the Bibles only mention of why and how blood is an important fluid that contains at least some of our life. I am AB negative and I have never had the flu, or any viral infection, only the common cold. It just stops your body from terminating what it feels is an invasion because of the Positive Blood type of baby. There is a great deal of debate surrounding these mysterious passages about what angels and demons truly are. The more positive energy the better. When researching the Basque, I came across a video of them explaining their origins, to which they claim Atlantis. China has much dragon influence, due to the reptilians, and at least the Zulu tribe of Africa was in contact with the reptilians, too, but the plan was to create European royal families to enslave the rest of humanity. Bible verses that reference the Nephilim do not attribute many specific physical traits to this line of people, except for littered references to their height (and overall health). No food allergies that I know of though, and I love all kinds of food. It remains unknown to date where the negative factor came from. I have pollen allergies too. I am O neg with a single Rh cde neg. Also see Is Covid 19 in the Bible? Didn't get whooping cough when caring for a young child in the same house with it as a child. And 85% of Rh- are white. Mother was only child, her mother an only child. One school of thought associates these beings with fallen angels or their offspring. An inversion is not a transgender or a cross dresser, because an inversion is a created person, who had no choice. Our tranny Honor student in school, but wasnt fussy on the people (since many gleaned humour from negativity), but loved the searching and learning of information. So what does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Its so weird how blood type affects these things! I do not have a fear of heights, but I am super picky with my food. This specific antigen is found on the surface of the erythrocytes exclusively in Rhesus positive blood type individuals. Amen. some say it is the lack thereof. Rh Negative Blood. The bible ventures with life and death matters and one of the various leading terms used is blood. The obelisk and dome represent the male and female components of creation, as per the story of Isis and Horus. just would like to know if anyone in my past-(ancestors) were of the RH neg .blood. ], 7 Best Christian Books You Should Read [Updated], 7 Best Spiritual Awakening Books [For Beginners and Experts], 7 Best Anger Management Books For Men, Women and Kids, 7 Best Christian Books You Should Read In 2022[Updated], Powerful Significance Of Spiritual Leadership In The Home and Best Spiritual Leadership Books, 100 Bible Verses About Salvation [In Christ Alone! If your test is negative, the factor is not in your blood. I have three children. And interbreeding with human women in the pre-flood era. Gen. 7:11). When Rh-negative women become pregnant, and the baby is Rh-positive, the mothers body produces antibodies which attack and destroy the babys red blood cells. do not like onions cooked or raw! Egyptians were the first in the world to carry scepters, and the royal Brits still carry them to this day, as do the people in the satanic churches, such as the Vatican and the church of England. There ya go. Hollywood is absolutely loaded with inversions, so many that I cant even begin to list them, but theres so many that its just plain creepy. There are important references in the Bible that can be interpreted to refer to this rare blood type. People with Rh- blood types are more likely to develop a compromised immunity, and might not be as healthy compared to anyone with an Rh+ blood type. The only reason it is being pushed so heavily is because the spike protein it produces causes blood clots, and the criminals in charge want to kill you, so as to reduce world population. My father was black and he is A- and my Caucasian mother was B-. The remaining 85% are Rh positive, making them more favorable. That is also how I would describe myself Extroverted/Introvert. Its also worth noting that the pyramids and the easter island heads where built by the same group of people and this group of people where not Caucasian or European originally. The Nephilim are first mentioned in Genesis 6:1-8. According to the research I have done, it does not alter DNA. The child was named Horus. Even renowned Jewish and Christian scholars express uncertainty about the details and meaning of the verses and passages that mention them. Exodus 12:13 The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. 2020, developed exercise intolerance thereafter, and lost all energy a few months later, like collapsing. When he is sick he goes about business usual. In 1616, William Harvey, an English doctor and specialist. My father other than his high blood pressure that he was diagnosed as a child with seems to be perfectly healthy. The Old Testament made many mentions of sacrifice, often involving the blood and body of an animal that was chosen to be given to God. Check out the book of Enoch. The new testament connects Jesus blood with two surprises. It has been on a view that blood is the least likely to mutate, and there are no other blood varieties. My father was born in Germany, my mother part American-Indian Cherokee as well, and one is tall one is short with both having blonde hair blue eyes. The Bible says nothing specific about Rh negative, but it does say that God made man and woman in his image. What Does Strange Flesh Mean in the Book of Jude? when the two separate blood groups are hybrid during pregnancy. I then went to the doctor age 73 because I was still having a regular monthly period with no problem until that week it was found that I had cancer in the womb, where did that come from. And prefer to be alone. This is a major disadvantage forpeople whobelongstothe Rh negative blood group. This is at the heart of Rh negative mothers bringing a child that may or may not also be Rh-negative. The fact that a number of people lack this factor is a puzzling phenomenon that tends to defy the evolution story arising the question on where did they come from? Your email address will not be published. I am O negative. Universal Red Cell Donor and Rare Blood Type. And can produce an Anti-D antibody. And can produce an Anti-D antibody. Many people in my Irish side have AB blood. Rhesus negative males have an enhanced IFN-mediated immune response to influenza A virus. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Conversely, those such as yourself are the descendants of Adam and Seth, and so you are from Gods own bloodline, as are all the white race. The word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some translations of the Hebrew Bible but left untranslated in others. ], 10 Best Christian Weight Loss Books [Possible! If so, then the most likely scenario is that they both had type AB. . A person can have dark skin and be Caucasian, and there was a US court case over that, where a South Asian man was accused of being not Caucasian, yet was obviously Caucasian otherwise. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; 10 Best Food & Diet Meal Plan for Stem Cell Transplant, 10 Best Diet Meal Plan & Food Nutrition Practices for Childhood Obesity, 10 Best Diet Meal Plan & Food Nutrition Practices for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. Please see the About page for details. 146. Leviticus 17:11 - For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. The RH factor is a protein located in the human blood straight linked to the Rhesus Monkey. Acts 20:28 Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 1 John 1:7-9 ESV / 2 helpful votesNot Helpful. Jewish explanations interpret them as hybrid sons of fallen angels. 15 Prayers for Someone Who Lost a Loved One, 15 Prayers for Stressful Time & Stress Relief. Have so many allergies. What The Bible Teaches, Yes, God Has Opinions And Heres What They Are, 10 Scriptures to Read When Youre Depressed, When Was Jesus Christ Crucified? This is the good news, we can have all the blessings in this life through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross regardless of our blood type. (Documented) But he does make that statement. Only with invasion would this happen. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? However, the Bible does talk about many specific genetic lineages throughout (and there are mentions of rare genetics too). I am B RH NEGATIVE. Everything I knew has crumbled away We really have been slumbering- I can hardly believe it. Ephesians speaks about those without faith, who have been called to faith by the blood of Christ. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But it can affect your babys health, and it raises your risk of getting type 2 diabetes later in life. It would have been nice if he had an extra one. Bible verses related to Blood from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. Rh protein plays a significant role as a channel for CO2 gas (carbon dioxide) across cell membranes in the body: "Rh proteins act as gas channels that help speed the transfer of carbon dioxide (CO2) in and out of red blood cells. The Bible might not mention specific blood types, but there are verses that make it clear how blood is special (and important) for life. What is the majority view among scholars in history? So I find it puzzling that on almost every one of these articles regarding RH- blood types its noted that basically if youre not white youre related to the RH monkey lol. However ancient legends tell us that original man had Rh Negative blood, which science is unable to track because it originated in the polar region, which is now under ice . Down through the years the occult world has remained hidden from the history books. Been looking into my heritage since this all happened last year as I was no longer able to walk at the time and the universe had stopped me in my tracks. I am lucky and do not have your other issues. They built man in their image. Caucasians are the peoples who are linked to the Caucasus mountains, and they settled in a large band all the way from Ireland and Scotland, on over to Northern India and Pakistan. Only roughly 15% of the world's population carries the Rh Negative factor, and this amount is not uniformly distributed across the globe. 1 John 1:7 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. Rh- and autoimmune diseases. Got H1n1 once (2009), and got SARSCOV2 once in March 2020 and havent felt ill since. When natural things are turned upside down, etc., they become weird and need a lot of explaining. I am starting to feel more like an Amazon especially after reading your articles. Was not told that if I didnt get the RhoGam shot early on there was a good chance I would miscarry. this will happen when, dad is rh + me NEG. I am RH- and I am A-, so it is not exclusively a type O- trait. only carry Christ's blood--but also the blood of his "brother" Lucifer. Blood types are disunity down into two groups, positive or negative. This blood type is called universal because it can be transfused to almost any patient in need of . There are very few aberrations. If your blood has the protein, you're Rh positive. This has led some to suggest that Rh-Negative blood must be of a non-human origin. you are probably low in intracellular magnesium. Rh-negative blood and its mysteries. It is my understanding, the most recent breakdowns (by race) are from the 1970s, suggesting the overall % may now be as low as 7-9% worldwide. Some resources say that the blood type could be even rarer than this. With O negative blood transfusion, trauma and accident victims are given a chance at life. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? What are the health differences between Rh Negatives and Rh Positives? And birth to an RH-positive blood group baby? magnesium in the serum may not be bad, but the RBC absorbs it slowly. Evolution and creation fit together. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in. Anyone else? Both views attempt to explain the sexual Christianity FAQ exists to help people understand the Christian faith. I wont be having the vaccine. And its not where it originated from, but where its mostly accumulated. The reptiles are one of may and yes they are in many ways controlling things. Second, in the meaning of animal reduction. This specific antigen is found on the surface of the erythrocytes exclusively inRhesus positive blood type individuals. They dont have the A, B, or Rh antigens on their cells. But like most matters in life, there are grey patches. Rhesusnegative.net April 2, 20204. Generally, there are about 40 45% of Europeans who belong to theRh negative group. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? It doesnt change your blood type. They will force us to take it, but we already know why. Even though the Nephilim are different in some ways, they are similar in most others. True or false: All U.S. Presidents but one are/were Rh negative, Assortative mating on blood type: Evidence from one million Chinese pregnancies. SHOULD RH NEG 0 BLOOD TKE CONV 19 VACCINE? js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; Human life is sacred and worthy of respect and love. Experts think that the Rh negative piece of the action is a variety that transpired due to a passage over the game. Genesis is the first place in the Bible where the Nephilim, considered to be as rare as Rh Negative blood, are mentioned.
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